Salvini Cichlid Care: Tank Mates, Tank Size, Diet and Breeding

Salvini Cichlid Care: Tank Mates, Tank Size, Diet and Breeding

Salvini Cichlid (Trichromis Salvini) has a striking appearance which makes it a good creature to have in your space. If you are a lover of fish, fishing, or just a fish enthusiast, you might have heard about Salvini Cichlid. This is because the striking appearance of this fish species will help in enhancing and complement the…

Buenos Aires Tetra Care: Size, Lifespan, Tank Mates and Diet

Buenos Aires Tetra Care: Size, Lifespan, Tank Mates and Diet

Buenos Aires Tetra is a mid-size freshwater fish and a sought-after species for aquariums. It’s a vigorous and active variety among the Tetras but is less demanding and low-care. This Tetra species isn’t overly flashy like most aquarium fish but is subtly attractive with its nuanced color combo and quirky nature. They love the company…

Rose Hair Tarantula Care: Lifespan, Size, Food and Keeping

Rose Hair Tarantula Care: Lifespan, Size, Food and Keeping

Rose Hair Tarantula (aka Chilean Rose Tarantula) is one of the most colorful giant spiders that you can keep as a pet in an enclosed tank. You probably didn’t think you would have a tarantula as a pet, but you may have grown to like these little creatures after spending time with them in other…

Amano Shrimp Care Guide: Tank Mates, Tank Size and Food

Amano Shrimp Care Guide: Tank Mates, Tank Size and Food

Amano Shrimps are among the best, most peaceful, and most beautiful inverts for freshwater aquariums. In their natural habitat, Amano Shrimp live in large troupes in freshwater rivers or streams. Amano Shrimp are native to Taiwan, Japan, Fiji, China, parts of Korea, and Madagascar. They are named after the aquarist Takashi Amano who discovered Amano…

Blue Dolphin Cichlid Care: Lifespan, Size, Food and Tank Mates

Blue Dolphin Cichlid Care: Lifespan, Size, Food and Tank Mates

Blue Dolphin Cichlid is a beautiful Cichlid fish species that can be found in the aquarium hobby and mostly spent its time in the bottom part of the tank. These freshwater fish will enhance the appearance of your underwater space. In this Blue Dolphin Cichlid care article, we will provide you with all the information…

Cherry Shrimp Care: Tank Mates, Tank Size, Food and Breeding

Cherry Shrimp Care: Tank Mates, Tank Size, Food and Breeding

Cherry Shrimp is a great addition to a smaller size fish tank and it will enhance the beauty of your underwater space. They are one of the most popular freshwater Crustaceans species in the aquarium trade. For good reason! In this Cherry Shrimp care guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about keeping…

Curly Hair Tarantula Care: Food, Tank Size, Lifespan, Behavior

Curly Hair Tarantula Care: Food, Tank Size, Lifespan, Behavior

Curly Hair Tarantula (aka Wooly Tarantula) is one of the easiest pet spiders that you can keep as it is non-aggressive and generally peaceful. These interesting creatures make fascinating pets and are relatively easy to care for. In this blog article, we will discuss about all the facts of the Curly Hair Tarantula, exploring its…

Hillstream Loach Care: Lifespan, Size, Food, Tank Mates And Tank Size

Hillstream Loach Care: Lifespan, Size, Food, Tank Mates And Tank Size

Hillstream Loach is a peaceful little Loach species that are readily available and a very popular aquarium fish you can keep in a minimum of 40 gallons tank. They make a wonderful addition to many community tanks, and they are relatively easy to care for (at least when compared to other loach species). However, another…

Australian Rainbow Fish Care: Lifespan, Size, Diet, Tank Mates

Australian Rainbow Fish Care: Lifespan, Size, Diet, Tank Mates

Australian Rainbow Fish (aka Murray River Rainbowfish) must be a great choice of fish for your aquarium if you are for a colorful and fun addition to your freshwater fish tank. Rainbow Fish come in a variety of colors and sizes, making them a popular choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists alike. In this Australian…