Salvini Cichlid Care: Tank Mates, Tank Size, Diet and Breeding

Salvini Cichlid (Trichromis Salvini) has a striking appearance which makes it a good creature to have in your space. If you are a lover of fish, fishing, or just a fish enthusiast, you might have heard about Salvini Cichlid.
This is because the striking appearance of this fish species will help in enhancing and complement the décor of your freshwater tank.
However, it is known to be aggressive and territorial, and therefore much care is needed if you want to keep it in a tank in your home fish tank.
Once you learn how to manage the aggressiveness of this striking fish species, you will have an easy time with it in a tank in your home.
In this article, we have provided you with detailed information regarding the Salvini Cichlid lifespan, the differences between the sexes, its appearance, how to take care for, and many more.
Therefore, all the questions you may have about Salvini Cichlid will be answered as you go through this care guide.
Species Overview
Salvini Cichlid is a unique species of fish are belongs to the Cichlidae fish family that is also commonly known as Tri Colored Cichlid or Yellow Belly Cichlid while it is scientifically named Trichromis Salvini.
It is often kept as aquarium pets in home fish tanks. Most aquarists like this type because they are very attractive and colorful. Therefore, this fish species will help in improving the aesthetic appearance of your home.
Additionally, Salvini Cichlid is a member of the Cichlidae family. Like their other counterpart around the globe, Salvini Cichlid can be highly aggressive and territorial. Salvini Cichlid is known to live in freshwater bodies.
In their natural habitat, they like to live in moderate to fast-flowing waters in the middle and lower river valleys. The majority of the Salvini Cichlid population is found in most water bodies such as lakes, and rivers.
They also are found in abundance in freshwater lagoons down the coastline. It is spread and can be in rivers of Belize, Guatemala, Mexico, and even Honduras. Further, it can be found in some parts of the South of Florida state where it was settled artificially.
They are is omnivorous fish species. However, they prefer a carnivorous diet. Further, due to their highly aggressive behavior, they like chasing and eating small fish.
Therefore, you should not keep them with small fish in an aquarium in your home since they will only see them as food. If you want to keep this fish species in your aquarium, you should ensure that the tank is spacious to provide it with ample swimming space.
Salvini Cichlids have a pretty long lifespan and when it grows, they become stunning-looking fish species with astonishing beauty.
Salvini Cichlid Size
When Salvini Cichlids are fully grown, they can reach a maximum length of up to 9 inches (23 centimeters) on average. Additionally, when they are around 6 inches and are sexually mature and ready to mate.
However, there are various factors that may determine how big Salvini Cichlid can grow in captivity. Some of the factors that determine the Salvini Cichlid size in captivity are the tank size and stress.
A male Salvini Cichlid is always bigger than the female with the males growing up to 9 inches long and females up to 6 inches.
Growth Rate
Salvini Cichlid Growth Rate
In general, they have a moderate growth rate compared to other species in the Cichlids family. They can reach about 2 inches within the first 6 months under optimal tank conditions.
They become their maximum size about 6 to 8 inches in length within 18 to 24 months.
Salvini Cichlid Lifespan
The average Salvini Cichlid lifespan is between 10 to 13 years in the wild while it is up to 10 years in captivity. Additionally, there are various factors that may affect the lifespan which is the care you give them and the habitat.
With proper care and healthy habitat, it will even surpass its average lifespan. It may die before its average lifespan especially if you cannot manage its aggressive behavior.
Moreover, stress and poor tank conditions may significantly reduce the lifespan.
Appearance and Colors
This fish species is always dull and boring as juveniles since they lack color. However, they always become more stunning as they grow. When fully grown especially in the natural habitat, they can have stunning looks such as a large head, fleshy lips, and large eyes.
The fish species have a diverse array of colors which makes them unique and beautiful. Therefore, with them in the aquarium in your space, the décor of any room will improve.
It has various visible colors with the dominant bright contrast of black and yellow. Additionally, across their brow, there are four black bars. From the top of their heads down to their caudal fins, two lines of black blotches can be seen on each of their sides.
Just under their dorsal fins, there is an upper line that is red along the top of the females and blue specks on the males. A row of black blotches that is thicker.
The fins of male Salvini Cichlid are longer and pointed while the females’ fins are rounded and short. Sexual dimorphism is neither openly pronounced nor openly subtle in Salvini cichlids.
While females have short, rounded fins, males have longer, pointed fins. Males also get blue streaks on their heads and blue dots on their backs. Both sexes have an orangish hue around the stomach, but the females are more prominently colored.
The center of the dorsal fin of females has a stunning black patch that is bordered by an iridescent blue band. On the middle of the dorsal fin and the base of the gill covers, they also have a dark spot.
Females have a sharper contrast between the black patches and yellow bodies, whereas males are slightly larger and longer in comparison.
Behavior & Temperament
Even though Salvini Cichlid is very colorful and stunning, it is not a community-friendly fish. They are known to possess various personalities such as being aggressive and territorial.
Additionally, they can even bully weaker fish species to death if you place them in the same tank. This fish species can also hold its own against much bigger fish during a fight.
Besides, they do not back off easily at times they even do not know when to back off. However, the female Salvini Cichlid is not as aggressive as their male counterparts but they can also put up a fight.
Salvini Cichlid also has strong predatory instincts and they can easily attack and gobble smaller fish. Further, during the spawning season, they are very aggressive.
Should there be more males than females or an equal number of both sexes within the same tank there is likely to be aggressive toward the females during spawning season.
You should therefore ensure that there are four female Salvini Cichlid in every one male during spawning season. When it comes to plants, they are not known to uproot them. Therefore, they can keep good company with aquatic plants.
However, you should ensure that the aquatic plants and any décor within the aquarium are anchored securely because Salvini Cichlid has a thing of burrowing into the substrate.
There can be a normal fight between Salvini Cichlid in the tank. This may calm down after a few hours and you will see them swimming happily across the tank.
However, at times, there might be much aggression. When you see the aggression becoming too much, it is advisable that you separate them for a while.
You may return them to the same tank and if the situation continues then you should separate them forever. Another key factor in keeping Salvini Cichlid peaceful is by providing them ample space within the tank.
Salvini Cichlid Care
Caring for Salvini Cichlid is very important if you want them to stay healthy and live a longer lifespan. Additionally, this fish species is ideal for experienced aquarists because beginners may face challenges with their care.
Caring for Salvini Cichlid involves having an amply sized tank, the right tank set-up, correct water conditions, and many more.
These fish species like moderate to fast-flowing waters in their natural habitat, therefore you should try to mimic this as much as possible when you keep them in your aquarium.
– Salvini Cichlid Tank Size
It requires a lot of space if you are planning to keep more than one because they are aggressive and territorial. They will require ample tank space for swimming.
During spawning, it becomes more aggressive and it is recommended that you separate even the breeding pair.
A single Salvini’s Cichlid requires a tank of at least 55 gallons. If you are planning to keep two, the tank size should be at least 100 gallons.
However, the bigger the tank the better since these beautiful fish species may require much space to swim and burrow through the substrate.
– Tank Setup
It likes burrowing through the substrate. Therefore, the substrate should be soft so that it cannot be injured during burrowing. The soft, sandy substrate should also be dark. The dark sand substrate will bring out the fish colors the best.
When it comes to decorations, you can use plants, rocks, and woods. You should place these decorations strategically within the tank to create pathways, hideouts, and territories for this beautiful fish species.
Additionally, you can place plenty of plants inside the aquarium since Salvini Cichlid does not attack them. In the wild, they receive unfiltered light on a daily basis between 6 to 8 hours.
You should mimic this as much as possible if you want to keep your fish happy. However, you should not provide much lighting in the aquarium since much light for more than 8 hours may lead to the unwanted growth of algae.
The importance of clean water and a moderate water flow cannot be overstated. You will need to install a powerhead in addition to a reliable water filtration system to do these. It is also a good idea to add a heater to your tank.
– Water Parameters and Testing
Salvini Cichlid is a hardy fish that allows tolerating a range of water parameters but maintaining stable water conditions is important. Therefore, much attention is required if you want to keep them happy and healthy.
You should ensure that the water temperature in the tank is between 72°F to 79°F (22°C to 26°C). The pH range of the water should stay from 7 to 8. The pH level in water should not change drastically.
The water hardness should be 8 to 15 dGH. Salvini Cichlids are not picky about the water’s characteristics. However, you should replace 30% of the tank water each week. The water needs to be pure with little to no nitrite or ammonia in it.
- Water temperature: 72°F to 79°F (22°C to 26°C)
- Acidity Levels: 7 – 8 pH
- Water hardness: 8 – 15 dGH
– Suitable Plants
When it comes to plants, these Cichlid species are not known to uproot them. Therefore, they can keep good company with aquatic plants.
However, you should ensure that the aquatic plants within the aquarium are anchored securely because Salvini Cichlids are known to be burrowing into the substrate.
Some of the suitable plants include;
- Anubias
- Java Ferns
- Java Moss
- Crinum Calamistratum
- Vallisneria
- Plastic Aquarium plants
– Possible Diseases and Prevention
Like all freshwater fish, Salvini Cichlid is also prone to diseases. Most of these diseases that may affect fish in your aquarium are brought when water is foul. Some of the possible diseases that it may suffer from include;
This condition is quite common with Cichlid species and you will see white spots appearing on their body. This condition can spread and take over Salvini Cichlid’s body very quickly.
You will need copper-based medications to treat this condition. You can also elevate the temperature of the tank up to 30 degrees Celsius for 3 days to treat this condition.
Skin Flukes:
This is another disease that may affect your Salvini Cichlid and you may not easily notice it with your naked eyes. The condition can be caused by poor water conditions.
Should your Salvini Cichlid have this condition, you may notice itchiness and discomfort and even excess mucus on their skin. You will need to change the water and the conditions frequently to prevent this condition.
You will also need to get proper medications to treat this condition.
Swim Bladder:
This disease is not very known but it is a common condition among freshwater fish and your Salvini Cichlid may have it. When your fish has this disease, it will affect their buoyancy and make it challenging for them to stay afloat.
If the condition is due to a digestive issue, you can fast the fish for three days and begin feeding him cooked, skinned peas on the fourth day for a few days. Some over-the-counter medications will help to cure this condition.
However, you must schedule a consultation with a veterinarian if it is brought on by an interior injury or anomaly. To reestablish balance, they will cut off a piece of the bladder or insert a little stone.
Diet and Feeding
Salvini Cichlid is known to be omnivorous. However, in their natural habitat, they mainly feed on smaller fishes. Additionally, they also like feeding on tiny insects that fall on water surfaces in the wild.
There is commercial fish feed prepared specifically for omnivorous fishes that you can feed your fish in your aquarium. Since a balanced diet is essential in keeping Salvini Cichlid happy and healthy.
You can offer them food like brine shrimp, pellets, flakes, live fish, mosquito larvae, mysis shrimp, krill, spirulina, small crustaceans, and bloodworms.
Additionally, you should also include blanched vegetables like spinach and cucumbers occasionally.
Gender Differences
Gender differences are neither overtly pronounced nor overtly subtle in Salvini cichlids.
- While females have short, rounded fins, males have longer, pointed fins.
- Males also get blue streaks on their heads and blue dots on their backs.
- Both males and females have an orangish tint around the stomach, but it’s more intensely colored in females.
- Females have a beautiful black patch edged in iridescent blue in the middle of the dorsal fin. They also have a dark blotch on the base of the gill covers and the middle of the dorsal fin.
- While the males are a tad bit bigger and longer comparatively, females have a more intense contrast between the black patches and yellow bodies.
Salvini Cichlid Breeding
Compared to other Cichlid species breeding Salvini Cichlid can be a bit challenging. However, it is possible in captivity conditions.
If you want the best and the easiest way to breed this beautiful fish species, you should start raising them as juveniles and then give them time to mature sexually and pair up.
At the age of 10 to 12 months, Salvini Cichlid can breed. By this time, the males are about 6 inches while the females are 4 inches. Being monogamic, Salvini Cichlid does form couples at the age of six months.
Despite their small size, Salvini Cichlid can protect their territory very aggressively up to a diameter of 2 meters. While spawning, Salvini Cichlids are always very aggressive and territorial.
Therefore, it is always advisable that you keep them in a separate breeding tank. When they spawn in the community tanks, it is always best to keep them away from their other tank mates.
Additionally, any stress can put pressure on this fish species during the spawning period. The pressure may lead to quarrels and fights which may lead to Salvini Cichlid losing its offspring in the process.
The tense situation and fights among other tank mates may even lead to the death of female Salvini Cichlid in some cases.
Lots of shelters at the bottom of the tank and the tank size should be at least 100 gallons is needed for spawning to take place. The genitals papilla of Salvini Cichlid will also become visible for 24 hours prior to spawning.
You will then see your Salvini Cichlid starting to clean the substrate before starting the spawning process. The pair will lay eggs and fertilize them on a snag or on the bark’s vertical surface.
On a flat surface like a stone or a snag, the female cichlid can lay up to 500 eggs at once.
Salvini Cichlid Fry
When spawning is over, the male Salvini Cichlid will start protecting the territory while the female protects the eggs and fanning them with its pectoral fins. If any damaged eggs are discovered, the cichlids consume them.
The female fish guards her eggs fiercely, only leaving them when she needs to eat. The male Cichlid takes care of the eggs in the meantime. The larvae hatch after three days and are somewhat larger than typical fish larvae.
The larvae only consume their yolk sacks because they are not yet able to swim. To feed the larvae, the mother cichlid will occasionally carry them herself.
One week after they hatch, feed any juvenile cichlids in your aquarium chopped tubifex or brine shrimp.
You should ensure that the temperature in the tank is at a constant around 78°F (26°C). The young Cichlids may die if the temperature is lower than normal.
Salvini Cichlid will take care of their offspring for a long time until they feel they are independent enough to feed themselves then they will leave.
Salvini Cichlid Tank Mates
Given the aggressive nature of Salvini cichlids, you should only keep them in the same tank as other fish that are their own size and are only moderately aggressive.
Of course, it is best to keep them only with their same species, but if you like variety, pick fish that can compete with Salvini cichlids.
The following fish make good Salvini cichlids Tank Mates:
- Convict Cichlid
- Oscar Fish
- Jack Dempsey Fish
- Blood Parrot Cichlid
- Red Devil Cichlid
- Firemouth Cichlid
- Green Terror Cichlid
- Common Plecos
- Sailfin Plecos
You should have small fish species such as Tetras and guppies. They are two small fish that should not be added unless you don’t mind them being eaten. The same holds true for snails, crustaceans, and slow swimmers.
Origin and Distribution
Salvini Cichlid was first established by German zoologist Albert Gunter in 1862. After the first establishment of Salvini Cichlid, it took a while till the end of the 20th century when aquarists were able to keep them in tanks.
Originally, this unique and striking fish species were found in abundance mainly in rivers, lagoons, and other water bodies in Belize, Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala. Also, it has been introduced and can be found in Us states such as Texas and Florida.
In the wild, Salvini Cichlids inhibit moderate to fast-flowing lagoons and rivers where they predate on invertebrates and small fish.
Salvini Cichlid’s wild population is not listed by IUCN. Therefore, they can be easily found in their natural habitat. If you want to rare this beautiful fish species, you can easily find them in various pet stores or online stores.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Salvini Cichlids Aggressive?
Salvini Cichlids are very aggressive. If you are planning on setting up a community aquarium with other species of the same or different types then Salvini Cichlids are not a good choice.
They are predator fish in their natural habitat. They hunt small fish. Additionally, they are known to fight and stand their ground against fish bigger than their size.
During the prawning season, the males can also be aggressive towards the females. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep one male Salvini Cichlids in every 4 females.
How Big Does a Salvini Cichlid Get?
When Salvini Cichlids are fully grown, they can reach a maximum length of up to 9 inches on average. Additionally, when they are around 6 inches they are always sexually mature and ready to mate.
There are various factors such as tank size and stress that will decide their size when kept in an aquarium. To be more specific a male Salvini Cichlid size can grow up to 9 inches and a female for up to 6 to 7 inches.
How Fast Do Salvini Cichlid Grow?
When the males are about 6 inches long and the females are around 4.5 inches, the pairing-off typically starts to take place. Salvini Cichlids might take up to a year to grow to the point where they can couple off.
Can We Keep Salvini Cichlid with Oscar Together?
The Salvini Cichlid and Oscar fish have been kept together successfully by certain keepers in the past. The two fish’s personalities appear to be a major factor as well as the space of the tank.
Any new fish you add to an existing group should be carefully observed for any potential problems.
How Much a Salvini Cichlid Cost?
There are multiple factors that may determine the price of Salvini Cichlid. The average cost can be between $15 to $45. Some of the factors that may determine their price are size, lineage, sex, and availability.
When the fish is readily available in your local pet shop in abundance, it may be affordable. The bigger the fish the more the cost. At times you may find female Salvini Cichlid pricier than male and vice versa.
Final Thoughts
Salvini Cichlid is a very interesting and beautiful fish, this is why many aquarists like it. Apart from their aggressive and territorial nature, they are very active and they have strong paternal instincts therefore they can take good care of their offspring.
The aesthetic aspect of this fish will help in improving the décor of your room.
Taking care of this striking fish species is not quite challenging. However, beginners may have some difficulties managing it and therefore make an excellent choice for experienced aquarists.
With the detailed information above, you will have a hassle-free experience taking care of Salvini Cichlid in a tank in your home.