Kissing Gourami Care – Size, Tank Mates, Feeding, Breeding & Tank Setup

The Kissing Gourami is one of the most beautiful freshwater Gourami species that is a popular choice in most home aquariums.
This fish stands out among other fish species especially due to its bright colors and large lips. Due to that reason, you can never mistake this fish for another because of its unique appearance.
Most Gouramis are members of the Helostomatidae family which has more than 95 different fish species and not fewer than 15 different genera. However, Kissing Gourami is scientifically known as “Helostoma temminikii” and has few other alternative names as “Kissing Fish” or “Kissers“.
Before keeping these fish in your home aquarium, you must understand their behavior pretty well as well as the care requirements. That is because taking care of these fish is not that easy.
However, that does not mean that these fish are “expert-only” since even beginners can manage to keep them with proper guidance.
This Kissing Gourami care guide will explore the critical information that you need to know about these fish such as the kind of food they feed on, tank mates, breeding process, tank setup.
Quick Facts: | |
Common Names : | Kissing Gourami, Kissing Fish , Kissers |
Origin : | Native to Southeast Asia countries |
Family : | Helostomatidae |
Scientific Name : | Helostoma temminckii |
Care Level : | Medium |
Temperament : | Semi-aggressive |
Social : | Community friendly |
Diet : | Omnivores |
Size (average) : | Up to 12 inches |
Lifespan : | Up to 7 years |
Breeding : | Egg layer |
Minimum Tank Size: | 50 gallons |
Tank Environment : | Freshwater, Gravel or sandy substrate, Live plants or Artificial plants, Rocks, Caves, and Driftwood |
Temperature : | 72°F – 82°F (22 – 28 °C) |
Water Hardness : | 5 – 20 dGH |
Water pH Level : | 6.5 - 8.5 |
Kissing Gourami Overview
The name “Kissing Gourami” is derived from the signature large lips that these fish have which makes them look as if they are ready to kiss. For that reason, they are also known as Kissers Fish.
This Gourami breed is medium-sized fish species that belong to the Helostomatidae family as mentioned above. The Kissing Gouramis are native to Southeast Asia countries, specifically Indonesia and Thailand.
These fish usually stay in slow-moving and shallow waters that have dense vegetation while in the wild. Therefore, they are mostly found in ponds and marshes but you can also find a few of them in black waters.
In Asia, these fish were kept primarily to be used as food where the farmers could either boil, pan-fry, steam, or bake them.
However, nowadays Kissing Gourami are popular aquarium fish used by many aquarium enthusiasts because they not only have nice appearances, but they are also hardy.
Just like other Gourami species, the Kissing Gouramis have a labyrinth organ that helps them to take in the air even when on the water surface. These fish have an adaptation that helps them to survive in extreme conditions of water that has low Oxygen levels.
You can buy Kissing Gourami fish either from online markets like eBay or fish stores near you at just $5 per fish.
However, the easiest Gouramis to find in the stores are the Dwarf Gourami and hence you might have to visit several stores before you can find the Kissing Gouramis.
Origin And Distribution
The Kissing Gourami is native to the Indonesian Islands of Java. However, you can also find them in Thailand, Borneo, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Cambodia. In the Southern Asia region, this fish species is cultivated for food purposes.
The Kissing Gouramis have been distributed to the United States and other countries over time. Most of the Kissing Gouramis sold in the US are commercially bred in Florida.
Other countries that commercially breed Kissing Gouramis for either aquarium trade or food consumption are Singapore and Thailand because it is large enough to consume as food.
Appearance And Colors
The most common feature used to identify the Kissing Gourami is the shape of its mouth. Unlike other species of fish that have a non-protruding mouth, the Kissing Gourami has a forward protruding mouth.
They also have additional joints in their jaw which helps them in dexterity and movement. The additional jaw joints are also important in allowing the fish to open their mouths wide enough for more food and hence more effective nutrition.
When these fish are fighting or eating, their lips are put in such a way as if they are receiving a kiss. Just like other gouramis, the Kissing Gouramis have a tall, deep and slender body.
The slim body is an important feature that helps these fish to swim more swiftly and faster and hence they are fun to observe.
These Kissing Gouramis are very colorful fish with silvery green as their natural coloration. Beyond their natural color, they also have some bands on the anal and dorsal fin. There are also other two variations in these fish.
One variation is the mottled kisser which has the natural silvery-green coloration but with black or darker green flecks. The other variation is the Kissing Gouramis with silvery pink coloration that is brought by a genetic mutation.
The Silvery Pink Kissing Gourami is very popular in the aquarium trade.
Kissing Gourami Size
In a captivity environment, the Kissing Gouramis attain a body size of about 6 inches in length while in the wild they can reach up to 12 inches.
This difference can be explained by stunted growth which is caused by the confined environment of the aquarium. If you want to see your fish grow more than 6 inches, you will have very large freshwater aquariums such that the fish do not feel confined.
Kissing Gourami Lifespan
In aquariums, the Kissing Gouramis can live up to 7 years on average but in the perfect conditions like in the wild, Kissing Gourami lifespan even reaches 25 years. If you want to see your fish live longer, then you have to provide them with the right conditions.
However, while your goal is to see the fish live long, you cannot accurately predict their lifespan.
That does not mean that you fail to play your role of maximizing their lifespan. You will have to feed them with highly nutritious food and maintain the right tank conditions.
Some of the things that will significantly shorten their lifespan are excessive ammonia in the aquarium and inconsistent water parameters.
Kissing Gourami Care
Providing the best care for the Kissing Gouramis is not hard to do and hence anyone whether a beginner or an expert can have the luxury of owning these pretty fish species as a hobby.
All you need to do is to understand what kind of care the fish need and ensure that you meet all these requirements. If you do that, then you will have played your role and you will surely get the results that you desire.
It is also very important to understand the distinct personalities and behaviors of the Kissing Gouramis so that you can act accordingly without having any problems.
– Kissing Gourami Tank Size
The recommended tank size for a Kissing Gourami is at least 50 gallons. However, if you use a larger tank the better for your Gouramy to thrive well with your care.
A tank that holds 75 gallons or more should be the best option if it is affordable in your budget. When you use aquariums of less than 50 gallons for a single Kissing Gourami, then you will have a very limited space to include tank mates or vegetation which is not fair to the fish.
For that reason, when the aquarium is large enough, then you will have ample space to include other active species and also prevent any chances of territorial disputes among the tank inhabitants.
The factor of ample space is critical especially when you decide to have two or more Kissing Gouramis in the same aquarium.
– Kissing Gourami Tank Setup
The most important component to include in the tank is thick vegetation. However, the plants that you include in the tank should be resistant to the damages caused by your Kissing Gouramis.
That is because these fish are notorious and they can feed on all the plants that you include in the aquarium if they are soft and delicate. To reduce the chances of damage, plastic plants are the best since they offer your fish shelter and security while you do not have to worry about any kind of damage.
If you cannot use plastic plants, then it is a good idea to include hardy plants such as Java Fern and Java Moss since they are destroyed very easily.
Even as you focus on having dense vegetation in the aquarium, it is always good to have ample open space where your fish can swim freely without any obstacles.
When it comes to the substrate in the aquarium, large gravel or fine sand are the best ones to use. However, gravel is safer than fine sand since your fish can swallow the sand while they are feeding.
For that reason, it is proper to use large rocks or chunky gravel to minimize the chances of the fish accidentally swallowing the sand. It is also harder for the fish to push large rocks around as compared to fine sand. You can also place driftwood throughout the tank.
With time, algae will develop on the surfaces of the driftwood and the rocks where your fish can enjoy scrapping it off with their fine teeth.
Since the Kissing Gouramis enjoy sucking in air at the water surface, you should not fill the tank with water to the brim so that you can have an air column above the waterline. Therefore, there should be an air space of about one or two inches above the waterline.
In addition, always maintain a gentle filtration system in the aquarium to mimic the slow-moving waters in their natural environment. The standard aquarium lighting is the best but they can also survive in both low-tech and high-tech lighting.
– Water Parameters
It is always important that you mimic the water conditions in the natural habitat where these fish live. As stated before, these fish live in ponds and marshes where the waters are shallow and slow-moving.
However, maintaining the water conditions is not that strict since the Kissing Gouramis are hardy and can thrive in a wide range of conditions including low-oxygen environments.
They survive in low-oxygen environments because they have a labyrinth organ that allows them to suck in more oxygen either from the water or the air column above the water.
The best water conditions that you should maintain for your fish to live a very healthy life include a water temperature of between 72°F and 82°F and a pH level of between 6.8 and 8.5.
Avoid acidic waters as much as possible and only aim for neutral to weakly alkaline water.
Water hardness of about 5 to 20 dGH is the best. You can ensure that these water conditions are consistently maintained by testing the water as frequently as possible especially if in doubt or if you are a beginner.
– Suitable Aquarium Plants
Plants are essential for the Kissing Gouramis since they act as the shelter so that your fish can always feel secure.
This species of fish is known to feed on delicate and soft plants down to the stems and hence it is always a great idea to only use hardy plants only in your aquarium.
Examples of plants that you can use are Java Moss, Java Fern, and Hornwort which are hardy and fast-growing and hence they can survive without damage from the fish. You should ensure that the aquarium has both densely planted areas and open spaces as well.
– Common Diseases And Prevention
Just like other species of fish, Kissing Gouramis are susceptible to most freshwater diseases and therefore it is important to monitor tank conditions and quarantine those that are sick to prevent spreading the diseases.
They can suffer from a couple of diseases like ICH and fungal problems. They can also develop little pits on the skin surface due to infestation by protozoan parasites.
These holes then act as the entry paths for pathogens like bacteria if not addressed as quickly as possible. Parasitic algae is another common health issue that results in a spotted appearance on the skin which makes the fish weaker and poor in health.
Even though top-notch care is not a guarantee to prevent the chances of disease, it is critical to give your best care and minimize the chances of health concerns.
Kissing Gourami Food And Feeding
The Kissing Gouramis are omnivorous and hence they feed on both plants and animals. You should feed them with nutrient-dense foods to ensure proper nourishment.
Dried foods such as flakes and pellets are great though with fewer nutrients and hence you should supplement them with vegetables like lettuce, zucchini, and spinach. In addition, provide them with frozen or live proteinous food like brine shrimp, tubifex worms, and bloodworms.
Gender Differences
It is not easy to tell which Kissing Gourami is a male and which one is a female because they are almost identical in terms of their body shape and size as well as their lips.
However, you can differentiate them during spawning when the female fills with eggs and becomes rounder than the male.
Kissing Gourami Breeding
The breeding process requires you to set up the breeding tank with the right conditions. The most important water condition to check is the temperature which should be as high as 80°F to mimic the natural spawning season.
Then place adult male and female fish and supply them with live foods. Place a large lettuce leaf on the water surface where the eggs will be sheltered.
The female lays eggs and the male will fertilize the eggs as they rise to the surface of the water and attach to the lettuce leaf. Once the eggs are laid and fertilized remove the adults and wait for the eggs to hatch usually within 24 hours.
After the eggs have hatched feed the fries with brine shrimp.
Behavior And Temperament
The kissing Gouramis are considered semi-aggressive fish species. They are not entirely aggressive and they are not exactly peaceful either.
Aggressiveness is seen when there are two males in the same tank where they kiss and push each other around. This fighting causes stress to the weaker fish and might also increase the chances of disease.
Kissing Gourami Tank Mates
Due to their semi-aggressive nature, they cannot just be placed together with many freshwater fish species. The tank mates should not be smaller or weaker species so that they can defend themselves when need be.
You should also never place two males together. They also tend to be more aggressive to the fish that look like them and hence avoid keeping them together with other gouramis.
The best Kissing Gourami tank mates are;
- Yoyo Loach
- Tiger Barb
- Freshwater Angelfish
- Rosy Barb
- Archerfish
- Swordtails
- Congo Tetra
- Pictus Catfish
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are a few common questions and answers you may have that do not cover on above. If you have additional questions, please free free to mention in the comment section at the end of this article.
Do Kissing Gouramis Need To Be In Pairs?
While it is tricky to have two or more Kissing Gouramis in the same tank, it is always good to keep them as a male-female pair in the same tank. It is tricky to have two or more of them in the same tank due to limited space and therefore you need a very large tank to keep them as a pair. The pair should have been raised together.
How Many Kissing Gouramis Should Be Kept Together?
You can keep two or three Kissing Gouramis together. However, it depends on the tank size and makes sure there is enough space for plants, substrate, and the fish themselves.
You keep one male together with one or two females but never two males together to avoid fighting.
Are Kissing Gouramis Aggressive?
Even though Kissing Gouramis are not as aggressive as some other fish, they cannot be said to be exactly peaceful. They are therefore semi-aggressive especially to their counterparts that have similar looks like the body shape.
How Big Do Kissing Gouramis Get?
The Kissing Gouramis can attain a body length of up to 12 inches or 30 cm especially in their natural environment or freshwater aquariums with water conditions replicating the perfect natural habitat.
However, in most freshwater aquariums they only grow up to 6 inches because of the limited tank space.
What Is Pink Kissing Gourami
Pink Kissing Gourami is one variation of the Kissing Gouramis that has silvery pink body coloration. They are the result of genetic mutation.
Where Are Kissing Gourami For Sale?
You can find Kissing Gouramis either in fish stores or pet stores around you or even from online markets like eBay and other online retailers.
What Is Average Kissing Gourami Price?
The price of Kissing Gourami will depend on the number of fish that you buy. If you buy more fish at the same time, it will cost you less as compared to when you buy just one piece.
The average price will range from $5 to $9 per fish.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, taking good care of the Kissing Gouramis is not a huge challenge if you understand their temperament and behaviors well. You don’t have to be an expert for you to keep these Gourami species in your tank.
Owning these fish is fun and worth it because of their high activity and stunning colors and therefore you should give it a try.