Golden Wonder Killifish Care: Tank Mates, Feeding and Setting Up A Tank

Golden Wonder Killifish is also known as “Striped Panchax Killifish” or “Malabar Killifish“. It is one of the colorful breeds of freshwater fish species.
Compared to the other fish in the same species, Golden Wonder Killifish is a very under-demanding fish that has improved the popularity rate in the recent past among most aquarists.
Initially, this grey-green striped fish is in the native area of Sri Lanka and India. It has been selectively cultivated to develop a very high and incredible blue-green and iridescent gold coloration across most parts of its body.
These Killifish species are one of the best fish in terms of adaptability and provide the best addition to most aquariums as opposed to most species of the killifish, which in most cases have the reputation of being difficult to keep.
Quick Facts: | |
Common Names | : Golden Wonder Killifish, Striped Panchax Killifish, Malabar Killifish |
Origin | : Native in Sri Lanka and India |
Family | : Aplocheilidae |
Scientific Name | : Aplocheilus lineatus |
Care Level | : Easy |
Temperament | : Peaceful |
Social | : Community friendly |
Diet | : Carnivores |
Size (average) | : Up to 4 inches |
Lifespan | : Up to 4 years |
Breeding | : Egg layer |
Minimum Tank Size | : 20 gallons |
Tank Environment | : Freshwater, Gravel or sandy substrate, Floating aquarium plant, Rocks, Caves, and Driftwood |
Temperature | : 72°F – 82°F (22 – 28 °C) |
Water Hardness | : 5 – 12 dGH |
Water pH Level | : 6.0 - 7.5 |
Golden Wonder Killifish Overview
They usually occupy the top water column levels. However, they have often seen swimming and eating in the middle and the bottom parts of the tanks.
They like jumping; thus, they need to be kept in the aquarium with a weighted lid and a tank with a lowered water level. They do not bother or eat the aquarium plants.
They are perfect predators of Dwarf Shrimp and small species of fish like Micro Rasbora species, tiny Tetras, and, Danios. Golden Wonder Killifish is an ideal example of the predator fish as it eats any animal that fits in its mouth.
Golden Wonder Killifish is not a picky eater as it thrives and remains very attractive and colorful on various dietary meaty foods.
High-quality pellets, flakes, dried or frozen bloodworms, and tubifex are some of the examples of the diet that this fish readily accepts. It can inhibit some of the brackish areas in the water while in the wild.
However, these are some of the easygoing Killifish species that you may love to keep in your freshwater tank. Also, this fish has the following characteristics.
- Highly adaptable and hardy
- Striking coloration
- Peaceful deposition with the fish of the same or larger size
- Provides the best option for inhabiting on top of your aquarium
Origin and Distribution
The ancestry origin of the Golden Wonder Killifish traces to Asia. However, they survive in all aquariums in any part of the world. They are some of the ideal options for the community aquarium as they add some color and activities to the aquariums.
The original tank bred was indigenous to Sri Lanka and India. The fish currently live in the subtropical to tropical waters in every continent except Antarctica and Australia.
They usually inhabit temporary swamps, pools, shallow streams, and creeks, while some killifish are known to venture into brackish estuary habitats. Most of the killifish are found in habitats that have overhanging shrubs and trees.
These plants are essential for the creation of cooler temperatures and subdued light. Some Killifish species, like the Pupfish, usually inhabit the desert pools with the temperature of the water that exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Behavior and Temperament
In most cases, the social behavior of Golden Wonder Killifish is peaceful, loosely shoaling, or schooling in small groups. You cannot see any aggregation behavior of them unless it feels threatened.
If they feel scared they might try to jump out of the tank and we’ll end up killing themselves. For that reason, you might install a weighted lid on their tank.
Also, you will see them swimming at the top part of the tank for searching for their prey. If some insects fall onto the water then they suddenly grab them showing their predator behaviors.
Golden Wonder Killifish Size
In their natural habitats, the Golden Wonder Killifish size can reach up to 4 inches, which is 10 cm for the fully-grown adult fish.
In the aquarium captivity conditions, the fry will have grown into a decent length of about up to 3 inches, which is 7.5 cm the size is excellent and average for the purchase of the fish.
Golden Wonder Killifish Lifespan
Golden Wonder Killifish lifespan is generally up to 4 years when providing the optimal care and living conditions in a captivity environment.
Even you replicate their wild environment in captivity, they are not getting the natural condition that nature gives them, which means your fish will not live long as wide varieties.
Wild Goldern Wonder Killifhs lifespan is longer than captivity breeds and it is about up to 5 years.
Appearance and Colors
The color and the appearance of Golden Wonder Killifish are bronze back, greenish flanks, and metallic gold appearance scales. Some of them are golden. The males feature blue to yellow bodies, which are brightly colored with some orange spots and stripes.
Females are highly subdued in color and form. The coloring of the Golden Wonder Killifish can vary from gold green to beautifully golden multicolor along the side of the fish.
Golden Wonder Killifish Care
When you plan to have these Killifish species in your tank, you must be committed to giving them good care. First, the most important part of the process is setting up the right environment that your fish can survive in your tank.
While setting up a suitable environment for the Golden Wonder Killifish, look at approximately the same conditions as their natural habitat. These specified tips would be helpful to move in the right direction.
– Golden Wonder Killifish Tank Size
The preferred size of the tank to the Golden Wonder Killifish is minimal with at least 20 gallons tank.
These Killifish species always live on the top layers of the tank, so, you should consider a tank with more circumstances to give them more space to explore. You do not have to have deeper tanks for them if you do not plant to have
We would recommend if you could consider 30 gallons tank because you have other Goldern Wonder Killifish tank mates to house. Also, a spacious tank gives more freedom for your fish to explore around and make them happy,
– Golden Wonder Killifish Tank Setup
This fish is hardy species that live in an environment with still water and heavy forestation with Aquatic plants. Look for Floating Aquarium Plants as they are very suitable for these fish species.
They are tall and thus offer a perfect option for creating the forested environment that best suits the fish. They do not care about the structure of the plants, as they are predatory and will feel the wild environment.
Look for the tank with the tightly fitting lid and the cover slides that do not allow the escape of the fish as they are good jumpers.
Substrate should be dark and sandy substrate and aquarium decorations are improved on the tank by adding driftwood tangles, rocky outcrops, and caves that also add shelter as it improved the tank’s décor.
The Killifish tank should be dimly lit on the dark substrate that provides the best option of the tank, thus revealing the natural beauty of the fish.
Golden Wonder Killifish likes the interchanging water conditions, thus the need to maintain the pristine water conditions in your tank. Use the correct aquarium filtration system according to the size of your tank aquarium.
Ensure that you carry out changes twice a week for at least thirty percent (30%). The fish love the gentle movement of the water. Therefore, you need to adjust the filtration process accordingly or baffle it with dense, tall planting or rocky outcrops.
You can also look for the bottom-feeding scavengers like Corydoras Catfish in the vacuum of the community tank to regularly remove the uneaten food.
The tank should be lighted with filtered light to imitate their natural habitats. If you use LED Aquarium Light, it will provide perfect lighting for your fish,
– Water Parameters
Although the fish originates from freshwater environments, Golden Wonder Killifish can comfortably live in brackish water. You can also add 2 to 3 teaspoons of aquarium salt per 2.5 gallons of water to make it feel like brackish water.
The ideal temperature that the fish likes ranges between 72 degrees to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. The best water acidity ranges between 6.0 to 7.5 pH on the scope of the hardness between 5 to 20 dGH.
Keeping the water in the new conditions is achieved by implementing high-quality filtration techniques as you change the water on the fish tank twice a week. Ensure that the tank allows slow movement of the water as you adjust the filtration process accordingly.
These Killifish species are very sensitive to the condition of the water. Thus, the need for the placement of fish in the process of acclimation should not be rushed.
If you just introduced the fish into your new tank, do not feed them for the first few hours.
Also, switch off the lights of the tank for the first few hours until the fish become comfortable within the new environment.
– Suitable Plants
Some of the plants float like Dwarf Water Lettuce and Amazon Frogbit, as they are very suitable for the fish. You can also provide the fish with driftwood tangles, rocky outcrops, and caves for improved shade.
– Common Diseases and Prevention
Golden Wonder Killifish is one of the perfect examples of very hardy fish. Therefore, if your aquarium is maintained well, the chances of the illness’s occurrences ton the fish are meager.
However, velvet and bacterial diseases can sometimes affect your fish.
Ensure that you are thoroughly clean or quarantine all items you desire to add to the established tank setup, like the fish, plants, substrate, invertebrates, and decorations.
Although the degree to which the fish is against the diseases, outbreaks usually occur and thus need of dealing with it early enough for the improved quality of the fish. All fishes are susceptible to infections, especially under stressful conditions.
This calls for utmost care of fish and a suitable environment that minimizes the issue and the related problems.
Golden Wonder Killifish Diet and Feeding
The fish are carnivores that require a variety of freeze-dried frozen meaty food like the natural diets of the insects and the insect larvae that the fish usually take from the water’s surface. Most of the favorite food includes bloodworms and mosquito larvae.
Vitamin enriched brine shrimp and daphnia are also their favorite food. It is also essential for you to provide the fish with live food as it assists them in the maintenance of their color vividly and necessary while moving a pair of fish into the tank for breeding.
These fish species do not eat fussily, and they take good quality pellets and flakes food. If you are looking for live food, ensure that you purchase from a seller who has a good reputation.
Never look for the insect and the insect larvae from the wild environment. Wild live foods are common aspects that usually introduce the diseases and parasites in your tank.
Always ensure that you keep your fish in good health, providing them small portions of meals about 2 to 3 times per day. You should give them food in variety.
Gender Difference Golden Wonder Killifish
The genders differences of the Golden Wonder Killifish are relatively elementary for one to distinguish are the two sexes are very different. Males are more colorful and more prominent than females.
Their anal fins are more pointed than that of the females. Mature males have red frame fins, which are fantastic.
Golden Wonder Killifish Breeding
Before you take both sexes for breeding, keenly look at the different features of both fish. It is good to have a separate breeding tank for the safety of the fries.
If you need a fish specimen for breeding, ensure that the model you took has both male and female as the two sexes are easily distinguished.
Select the pair of properly conditioned fish and transfer them to the soft water breeding tank. The tank should be planted with many dense fine-leaved floating plants.
After laying the eggs and having been effectively fertilized then you have to think about the safety of new fries.
In addition, remove the parent fish from the tank where the breeding took place if the spawning process is over. A single spawn produces one hundred to one hundred and fifty eggs, taking eleven to fourteen days to hatch depending on the tank temperature.
The newborn fry thrives comfortably at a temperature that usually ranges between 72 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit (25 to 27 degrees Celcius), where they typically feed on the shredded plants.
Immediately hatched fish have the egg sac attached to the bellies that they usually provide for the first few days. After some time, the sac usually disappears, and thus the fish swims freely all over the tank.
At this point, you can offer them finely powdered fry food and newly hatched brine shrimp. The growth rate of these fries is achieved by feeding them on crushed bloodworms and other types of small insects.
Never forget to separate the larger fish from the small ones to prevent cannibalism.
Golden Wonder Killifish Tank Mates
This fish is a predator with a wide mouth. Therefore, always avoid including small fish such as Neon Tetras, Danios, small species of shrimp.
The best tank mates of the Golden Wonder Killifish are:
- German Blue Ram
- Tetra Species
- Banjo Catfish
- Ramshorn Snail
- Corydoras Catfish
- Otocinclus Catfish
- Vampire Shrimp
They are perfectly reared on the small groups in the large tank to allow them to occupy the water’s surface.
Frequently Asked Questions
Many fishkeepers make it easy to keep this Killifish species in captivity without any challenges. Even we cover major topics in the above section, we thought the below-discussed question will help to cover everything.
Are Golden Wonder Killifish Aggressive?
No. Golden Wonder Killifish are non-aggressive and very peaceful fish that like to inhabit the aquarium’s upper environs. Although the fish is not a strict schooling species, you can safely keep it in a group of 4 individuals.
However, the degree of the fish’s aggressiveness depends on the current situation as it is very aggressive with the smaller fishes, the small aquatic insects, river warms, crustaceans, mosquitos, and insect larvae that land on the surface of the water.
The fish needs the placement and the larger fish species that are preferably calm and peaceful as the tankmates that feed at the bottom of the tank.
Do Golden Wonder Killifish Eat Other Fish?
Yes. This is a perfect example of a predator that will feed on anything that fits in its mouth. The fact that Golden Wonder Killifish is a carnivore feeds on the smaller fishes in some cases.
It can eat its young ones and the crustaceans, thus the need for separation. It excites providing on the live meaty, which allows their color to thrive and look more attractive.
Is Golden Wonder Killifish Hardy?
Yes. These Killifish species are hardy living in an environment where water is still with high forestation of the aquatic vegetation, preferably the floating plants.
This fish will not fall sick if you feed it on the variety of food that is almost like the options in the wild environment of the fish. Ensure that the living standards of the tank are adhered to on a high level of hygiene.
Ensure that the feeding of the fish is done two or three times a day. They are the ideal option for beginner hobbyists, which is virtually unkillable.
Where Are Golden Wonder Killifish for Sale?
Some of the local pet stores and online stores usually sell these fish species. However, the mass production of the Golden Wonder Killifish locates in Indonesia. This is one of the standards and available sources of fish.
They are not expensive. Thus, you can decide between buying them and adding them to your tank.
What Is Average Golden Wonder Killifish Price?
This is a fantastic peaceful community fish that cost $3.88 in the United States. If you are living in a different country you probably get these fish at cheap prices, but it depends on the region that you reside in.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, Golden Wonder Killifish makes the best addition to the community tank for the peaceful species. The tankmates you add in the same tank are more significant than the same approximate size.
The fish are very hardy and easy to keep and manage, thus forming an excellent option if you are looking for the replacement or addition of the attractive fish in the collection, as this is an answer.
They are fantastic beauty in the golden dots along their sides and their nature of easy going. They are hard enough to live in a variety of aquariums due to their resilience.
This means that the fish has an improved capability of fighting the common diseases that usually affect most of the fish species, provided you maintain a high level of hygiene in the aquarium.
This aspect usually brings about the Golden Wonder Killifish popularity among most experienced and beginner aquarium hobbyists.