Gold Nugget Pleco Care Guide and Species Profile – Tank Mates and Food

Looking for a fish to make your aquarium community stunning? Gold Nugget Pleco is a perfect showstopper.
This fantastic freshwater fish emanates from South America, mainly in the tributaries of the Amazon River, and is a perfect blend with your aquarium community. Other than the stunning beauty, aquarium enthusiasts love this species since it is a heavy algae eater.
Gold Nugget Pleco is pretty easy to care for species with striking yellow spot visuals. They are not territorial and won’t cause trouble to other aquatic life.
In this Gold Nugget Pleco Care article, you will learn all about these Pleco species and useful tips and tricks to keeping and caring for them.
Quick Facts: | |
Common Names : | Gold Nugget Pleco, Gold Nugget Plecostomus, Golden Nugget and Gold Nugget |
Origin : | Native to Xingu River in Brazil |
Family : | Loricariidae |
Scientific Name : | Baryancistrus xanthellus |
Care Level : | Easy |
Temperament : | Peaceful |
Social : | Community friendly |
Diet : | Omnivores |
Size (average) : | Up to 10 inches |
Lifespan : | Up to 7 years |
Breeding : | Egg layer |
Minimum Tank Size: | 50 gallons |
Tank Environment : | Freshwater, Sandy substrate, Lot of plants, rocks, caves, and driftwood. very low ligthing |
Temperature : | 73 - 79 °F (23 – 26 °C) |
Water Hardness : | 5 – 15 dGH |
Water pH Level : | 6.0 - 7.5 |
Species Preview
Gold Nugget Pleco, short form for Gold Nugget Plecostomus and have different names such as “Golden Nugget” and “Gold Nugget“. It is scientifically known as “Baryancistrus xanthellus“, and it is freshwater fish species found on the tributaries of the Amazon River.
You can find it in other parts of South America but in reduced numbers. This species thrives well in dark lighting as they are used to in their natural habitat.
Pleco joined the aquarium communities first time in 1980 in Great Britain and since then have traversed the rest of the world due to their easy care.
Gold Nugget Pleco is part of the larger species, but for the distinction, it’s an L018, L representing its family name, Lorricariidae, and 18 it’s an aquatic number in the family. The unique fish design and appealing body texture make it adorable to aquarium enthusiasts.
Origin and Distribution
Gold Nugget Pleco has survived in the aquarium community for over 25 years and is still one of the most favorite versions of the “Lorricariidae” family.
The species trade started in 1980 when traders exported it to Great Britain. It proved the easiest to care for aquatic living creatures and thus spread like a whirlwind across aquarium enthusiasts.
In addition to its stunning beauty, the species also save you fancy lighting as it prefers dark to light to mimic its Brazilian origin. It’s a perfect match to blend your aquatic breeds.
Gold Nugget Pleco originates from South America and most of Brazil on the tributaries of the Amazon River, most popular in the rocky, shallow warm waters of Brazil’s Rio Xingu (River), which is well oxygenated.
Its best function is moving rocky waters with temperatures of up to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
Appearance and Colors
The L018 is beautiful Pleco fish species. You can spot one from a mile due to the spectacular sucker-mouth and backward pointed large pectoral fins. Its caudal fins, unlike other aquatic life members, have larger dorsal fins.
They resemble a fan. Gold Nugget Plecostomus have thinner bodies are you move towards its caudal peduncle. The area around the pectoral fins and the eye is the widest. It’s a no match to its relatives.
Gold Nugget Pleco is also one of the most colorful freshwater fish species. The black and yellow spotted fish is the only one in the aquatic family, quite outstanding. The yellow spots are evenly distributed in the entire body, and more so, they are approximately the same size.
The pattern ends towards the dorsal fin. The fish has a beautiful yellow finishing which is much brighter than other body spots.
Gold Nugget Pleco Size
In natural conditions, they will grow up to 10 inches (25 cm) while in aquarium conditions the growth is much reduced between 6 to 9 inches. For maximum growth and colorations, ensure the tank is always clean.
The maximum growth rate, however, is mainly attributed to how they were kept when young. The general aquatic diet plays a significant role in keeping the fish healthy and flourishing.
Gold Nugget Pleco Lifespan
Gold Nugget Pleco lifespan is pretty out of the optimal care provided. With utmost care and lighting in the aquarium environment, the fish is known to go up to 7 years but typically has a 5 years lifespan.
In the wild, however, Gold Nugget Pleco will last for several more years.
Behavior & Temperament
As mentioned, Gold Nugget Plecos prefer dark lighting. They mainly live under the plants or rocks for dim light. Generally, they are bottom dwellers; this cuts across the entire Pleco fish family. They prefer the bottom clearing up any algae growth eating any leftovers dropped by top dwellers.
Golden Nuggets Pleco fish is a rather shy species; this explains why they bend so easily with other aquatic life. They would live peacefully with territorial fish since they don’t show any authoritative signs.
They know how to mind their own business and are pretty mellow and shy. Though they are stuck to the bottom level, had a tight lid should they try to escape.
They like keeping to themselves whatever they have, but in the presence of other species, they drift away and will spend most of their time in hiding. So you might have to wait till night time to see them come to rear gear.
Gold Nugget Pleco Care
We have mentioned that the Gold Nugget Pleco is a straightforward fish. At least you won’t have any complicated care provision issues. Once well-fed, ensure the tank has enough aquarium plants and lighting.
This species is best for all aquatic enthusiasts, whether beginners or pros and it will do just fine. The unique pleco requirement, however, is a large tank. Remember, they are more significant than most of your aquatic life.
– Gold Nugget Pleco Tank Size
The recommended Golden Nugget Pleco tank size is at least 50 gallons. Some sellers will recommend you keep up to 30 gallons, but this is relatively small for a fish that has the body growing up to 13 inches. Remember, Pleco fish are joint from the more prominent catfish family.
Please don’t go for small sizes tanks because they don’t have enough space to move and hide. Though they spend time in the bottom, they need space for hiding in rocks, meaning you need to have enough space for decorations, driftwood, and other plants.
55 gallons would do perfectly fine. Try as much as possible to provide your Gold Nugget Pleco with conditions as close to your natural habitat as possible.
– Gold Nugget Pleco Tank Setup
To thrive well, have soft and sandy substrate in the Gold Nugget Pleco’s aquarium. It’s what they are used to. It is not as crucial for a mid-and top-level fish, but this is the most important part for a bottom dweller.
A soft substrate cold down the fish while a rough and uncomfortable one raises their stress levels. A rough substrate is a potential cause for infections and diseases and possible cuts wounds.
Average fish underwater vegetation is pretty crucial for Golden Nugget Plecos. The plant blocks direct sunlight since it prefers dull lighting; the mega Amazon Forest surrounds the amazon tributaries.
Don’t worry about falling leaves; the Plecos will happily make sure that won’t touch your living plants.
Ensure there are adequate shelter and hiding places underwater. Plecos love anywhere they feel they are hiding from the rest of the aquatic life. Provide driftwood and aquarium caves which are considered on your tank size.
We recommend natural rocks and caves that attract algae growth since this is the best fish diet.
Aquatic water can change drastically depending on water pollutants; thus, a high-quality water filter would help. This helps maintain water quality, temperatures, and other parameters and keeps fish safe from toxic water.
A good filter helps prevent Gold Nugget Pleco’s waste from affecting water purity. They are large fish, thus produces more waste.
As we have mentioned severally, Gold Nugget Plecos thrive in a dark environment. You won’t need fancy lighting for this aquarium. Buy a subtle dim lighting system for the best living conditions.
– Water Parameters and Condition
As you might be already aware, catfish are not the most robust aquatic fish. They’re pretty sensitive when water quality comes to question. Remember, their natural habitation consists of the purest water from the Amazon River. The parameters are nothing complicated though, ensure regular water testing and changes.
Before adapting fully, you might conduct daily and weekly water tests, especially if it’s a new community. They are the most susceptible fish. Try as much as possible to meet the following parameters:
- Water Temperature: 73 – 79 °F (23 – 26 °C)
- Acidity (pH): 6.0 – 7.5
- Water Hardness: 5 – 15 dGH
– Suitable Aquatic Plants
The presence of the right aquatic plants means well for a Gold Nugget Pleco. One, they block sunlight from reaching the lower parts of the tank, and two, the falloff from these plants is an ideal diet for the fish. The plants are also good hiding spots.
They want to be in solitude most of their time. Other than providing hiding spots and residues for the fish, proper aquatic plants replicate the natural wild environment. It’s an exciting way to make them feel comfortable as if in Brazil’s Xingu River.
– Possible Diseases and Prevention
Gold Nugget Plecos can survive for long with diseases other than the typical illnesses common to aquatic life. There are no pleco-related or genetic diseases. It’s thus essential to maintain the proper water conditions, which can affect fish. Nevertheless, watch out for the following freshwater fish diseases.
ICH: this is a parasitic disease famous now as white spot. It’s notable through white spots, the size of salt grains on the fins, and occasionally on different body parts, especially on the fins. White spots treat readily available in the stores. Ich is a result of poor water quality, quarantine the fish to a separate tank for medication.
Fin Rot: this is a bacterial disease popular know as Malawi boat. Gold Nugget Pleco malnutrition could be the leading cause. Once diagnosed, provide the fish with a high-quality diet or buying proper medication if the situation worsens.
Fish Fungus: notable grayish growth on the plecos body. Water molds cause a fungal infection called the oomycetes. A specialist fish vet should provide the right medication. Frequent water changes and filtration prevents mold growth.
Hole In The Head and Pop Eye: The pop eye is indicated by protruding fish eyes. It’s a bacterial infection that refers form vitamins deficiency. Vitamin supplemented food and tetracycline are the best recourse. Also, it helps if you would change the aquatic water once in a while.
A hole in the head occurs through a slight indentation due to poor water quality and insufficient nutrition.
Gold Nugget Pleco Diet and Feeding
Gold Nugget Plecos are not as picky eater as most fish you might have on the aquatic tank. They are huge algae consumers and detritus falling from the aquatic plants. Plecos also eat the leftover foods after the top, and mid-level fish take their turns.
If unable to find something on the lower tank, the fish will supplement flakes and fish pellets. Did you know Gold Nuggets plecos are omnivores? Enhance their diet with meat elements like shrimp, bollworms, or tubifex.
Pets’ stores have pretty of carnivore pellets. Though omnivores, they still need meaty proteins. Check out for detailed plecos nutrition.
A healthy Gold Nugget Pleco has a perfectly smooth and tight skin color. Establish the right food mixing to allow proper algae to grow and let their feet on what they love best. Remember, as long as there’s food, the fish will always eat.
Overfeeding could cause two problems; sickness or excess food goes bad and affects the water parameters.
Gender Differences
It’s easy to differentiate between a male and a female pleco. Adults have a flat, broad head with long pectoral fin spines compared to females. Females, on the other hand, have a more rounded body.
They also have a more extended, rounder abdomen compared to their male counterparts. Male Gold Nugget Plecos are more aggressive than females.
Gold Nugget Pleco Breeding
Gold Nugget Plecos are cave spawners. It, therefore next to impossible plecos to spawn in an aquarium environment. So many homeowners have tried the best advice on breeding Gold Nugget Plecos at home but end up with disastrous results.
To add a young Gold Nugget Pleco, buy them from a reputable local pet store. Make sure to first quarantine them before adding them to the main tank. It’s an effective stress reliever.
Gold Nugget Pleco Tankmates
Gold Nugget Plecos prefer the bottom levels for their own space. They will spend most of their time hiding in the caves and under aquatic plants. They might become aggressive when another fish tries to invade their space.
When blending them with other fish, make sure it’s top and middle-level fish only. The ideal tank mate would include;
- Goldfish Varieties
- Honey Gourami
- Ember Tetra
- Apistogramma
- Pearl Gourami
- Neon Tetra
- Rummy Nose Tetra
- Dwarf Gourami
- Galaxy Rasbora
- Golden Wonder Killifish
Frequently Asked Questions
We hope you have a very good understanding of Gold Nugget Pleco and its caring needs. The questions and answers discussed below might be interesting to read.
Can You Put 2 Plecos in the Same Tank?
Plecos often survive but in the company of other community fish. Once reaching maturity, these fish prefer sole survival. Any fish attempting to reach their habitation could find trouble.
It is thus dangerous to house two plecos together since they are likely to seek similar shelter unless you have a large tank to accommodate several large caves.
Are Gold Nugget Plecos Nocturnal?
Plecos may seem as always hiding, but if you want to find them excited, tying sneaking during the night. They are nocturnal fish avoids light entry point in all manner, through idling in caves and under aquatic plants.
If you have one, you might have realized it’s the shy type and prefers time alone in cave-like hollow areas.
Are Gold Nugget Plecos Aggressive?
Plecos have a perfect temperament and peaceable species. However, this species is pretty territorial. Upon reaching maturity, a pleco will be very aggressive on another fish to secure its location.
However, the fish is not overly aggressive, mainly if provided with ample space and adequate hiding places. They may get aggressive toward small fish and even may try to eat them.
Do Gold Nugget Plecos Eat Algae?
Gold Nugget Plecos love eating algae. They will often eat all the algae in the tank and will thus require supplemental food for proper nourishing. Sinking pellets, meaty proteins, vitamin supplements, and wafers are a perfect diet.
How do Big Do Gold Nugget Plecos get?
Gold Nugget Pleco is a rather large fish. A well-nourished adult could reach the size ranging from 6 to 9 inches (approximately 15 to 23 Centimeters). In wild aquatic life, this is a pretty youngster but is a significant size in home aquariums.
However, their maximum growth size depends on how they are raised and their dieting plans when young.
How Long Do Gold Nugget Plecos Live?
Pleco has a general lifespan of around 5 years in home aquariums. In their natural habitats, plecos are reports to live up to 10 years. Gold Pleco lifespan, however, is a matter of utmost care and maintenance.
With proper nourishing in a big-sized tank with the suitable water parameters and lighting, plecos can go up to 7 years.
Where Is Gold Nugget Pleco for Sale?
Golden Nugget Plecos are available for sale in the local pet stores. You can also buy a Gold Nugget Pleco on online pet stores such as aqua imports and marine warehouse aquarium and have it delivered to your residence.
They are pretty hard to breed on home aquariums since they prefer a large set-up.
How Much Is a Gold Nugget Pleco Worth?
Gold Nugget Pleco is not cheap. The high price is mainly because they are not easy to get and breed. They are source from their wild habitats, mainly in South America.
Depending on the size, a young Gold Nugget Pleco should cost you around $50 to $70. Before purchase, verify that the seller is legit.
Final Thoughts
Taking care of Gold Nugget Pleco is a fun and rewarding experience. They will add a fantastic rejuvenating blend of color to your tank. Though the Pleco family is quite large, take note of L018. It won’t disappoint. They are an all-time favorite.
If you are an experienced aquatic enthusiast and intent to add another blend in your aquarium, so along there is no fight for space, a Gold Nugget Pleco will do just fine.
This pleco is still a catfish, but it’s worth noting that it’s less tolerable to poor water conditions. Though they need less care and maintenance, water quality and a healthy dark-lit tank are mandatory. A well-nourished Gold Nugget Pleco fish lives longer.