Boesemani Rainbow Fish Care – Tank Setup, Mates, Diet and Breeding

Boesemani Rainbow Fish Care – Tank Setup, Mates, Diet and Breeding

The Boesemani Rainbow Fish is one of the most eye-catching freshwater fish species that you can keep in your tank with other peaceful tank mates. It’s often said that surrounding yourself with a colorful environment with beautiful sceneries, colors your mood and elevates your spirits, making you generally happy. One thing that can brighten your…

Bubble Eye Goldfish Care Guide And Species Profile: Tank Mates and Diet

Bubble Eye Goldfish Care Guide And Species Profile: Tank Mates and Diet

Buy Bubble Eye Goldfish Bubble Eye Goldfish has become a popular pastime among aquarists and professional breeders alike. This pastime has created many new species of fish that people from all over the world want to have in their aquariums. These Bubble Eye Goldfish is an incredibly unique type of Goldfish with cartoonishly big bubbles…

Powder Blue Gourami Care Guide: Tank Mates, Tank Setup and Diet

Powder Blue Gourami Care Guide: Tank Mates, Tank Setup and Diet

Are you fish keeping enthusiastic who are willing to keep colorful fish species in your freshwater aquarium? There is no other choice like Powder Blue Gourami that beautify your living rooms and other interior spaces. Keep reading to know how to care for, keeping and breeding of this wonderful aquatic species. Species overview In a…

Thai Micro Crab Care Guide, Species Profile, Tank Setup and Tank Mates

Thai Micro Crab Care Guide, Species Profile, Tank Setup and Tank Mates

If you are a fishkeeping enthusiast or you just like reading or keeping aquatic creatures, then you may know or have heard about the Thai Micro Crab. This crustacean species is an intriguing creature to anyone, from its color, physical appearance to the way it survives in the freshwater. This aquatic species is a fascinating…

Redtail Catfish Species Profile and Care Guide – Tank Size and Tankmates

Redtail Catfish Species Profile and Care Guide – Tank Size and Tankmates

Due to its massive size and recognizable catfish features, the Redtail Catfish is sold in the aquarium market worldwide. But most tank fish keepers do not know that it can be hard to keep a fish of this size. If you are considering adding a Redtail Catfish to your aquarium, make sure you understand what…

Most Fascinating Freshwater Crabs That You Must Have In Your Aquarium

Most Fascinating Freshwater Crabs That You Must Have In Your Aquarium

Can crabs live in freshwater? Many people do not realize that there are Freshwater Crabs exist and can keep them as aquarium pets. They are small and fascinating creatures that have mastered the art of disappearance. Most of the time, you will find them digging into any hole found in the aquarium or scavenging around…

Flowerhorn Cichlid Species Profile and Care Guide: Tank Setup and Diet

Flowerhorn Cichlid Species Profile and Care Guide: Tank Setup and Diet

Beautiful, colorful, and large, the Flowerhorn Cichlid is a great fish for aquarium lovers old and new. If you are looking for a species that will provide a range of diverse beauty while being relatively easy to take care of, you’ve come to the right fish. Their color patterns, behaviors, and hardiness have made the…