Rainbow Shark Care Guide 101: Food, Tank Size, Tank Mates, Lifespan…

Rainbow Shark Care Guide 101: Food, Tank Size, Tank Mates, Lifespan…

Rainbow Shark is a Southeast Asian freshwater fish that is known for its semi-aggressive personality and eye-catching appearance. It can be a great option if you want to add some activity and colors to your aquarium. So, if you have some experience in fishkeeping and believe you are all set to add some more challenges…

Bala Shark Care Guide: Size, Lifespan, Feeding, Tank Mates & Tank Size

Bala Shark Care Guide: Size, Lifespan, Feeding, Tank Mates & Tank Size

Bala Shark (AKA Silver Shark) is a beautiful fish that can make a colorful addition to your freshwater aquarium. If you are looking for some calming tank mates for your fish, this peaceful species can be the perfect match. Experienced aquarium keepers will have an easy time with this species, but such an even-tempered fish…

Ember Tetra Care – Lifespan, Size, Food, Tank Mates, Tank Size

Ember Tetra Care – Lifespan, Size, Food, Tank Mates, Tank Size

Ember Tetra is a small, vibrant freshwater fish that is popular among aquarists. People looking for aquarium fish should aim of having it in their fish tanks. The best part about these species is that they are easy to take care of and stunning to look at. Their peaceful nature makes it viable for them…

Tiger Barb Care: Lifespan, Size, Diet, Tank Size and Tank Mates

Tiger Barb Care: Lifespan, Size, Diet, Tank Size and Tank Mates

Tiger Barb is such an exciting and beautiful freshwater fish species. It comes with black stripes blended with either gold or silvery color to look spectacular. Tiger barb species care requirements include a minimum of 20 gallons tank, 74 °F (23 °C)  water temperature, a balanced diet, and a slightly acidic (6.5 pH) environment. It…