Silver Tip Tetra Care – Food, Tank Setup, Tank Mates and Breeding Profile

Silver Tip Tetra is a hardy, gorgeous, and active freshwater schooling fish species that are known to thrive in community aquariums. However, they tend to be more aggressive than other small Tetras, frequently nipping fins of similar-sized Tetras.
Since they thrive in a community, they become more aggressive when kept alone. Usually, the Silver Tip Tetra can be found in freshwaters of the Sao Francisco basin in Brazil and are native to streams and rivers.
In this article, we shall be taking you through a Silver Tip Tetra care and species profile giving you all the necessary information about this fish. As a newbie who planning on purchasing Silvertip Tetra and keeping it in your aquarium as a pet, this article will be best for you.
With that said, let’s get started reading this interesting care guide.
Quick Facts: | |
Common Names : | Silvertip Tetra, Silver Tip Tetra |
Origin : | Indo-Pacific region |
Family : | Characidae |
Scientific Name : | Aphyocharax anisitsi |
Care Level : | Easy |
Temperament : | Peaceful |
Social : | Schooling fish |
Diet : | Omnivores |
Size (average) : | Upto 1.2 inches |
Lifespan : | 5 - 8 years |
Breeding : | Egg layer |
Minimum Tank Size: | 10 gallons |
Tank Environment : | Freshwater Sand substrate Driftwood, rocks Live plants |
Temperature : | 64 – 82 °F (17 – 27 °C) |
Water Hardness : | 4 - 8 dKH |
Water pH Level : | 6.0 - 8.0 |
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Species Overview
Silvertip Tetra is quite a colorful fish and tends to thrive in a significantly wide range of water parameters. Due to this aspect, Silver Tip Tetra has often been considered an ideal fish species for newbie aquarists.
They also prefer being in a school of fish from the same species, often a minimum of six groups. However, some individuals might find it challenging to have them in their home aquarium due to their aggressive behavior, which tends to worsen when they are kept long-fin fish.
Despite their aggressive behavior, Silver Tip Tetra has grown in popularity, and as a result, there are several breeding facilities across the globe. This means that most probably, the Silver Tip Tetra fish you have in your tank is captive-bred and was not caught from the wild.
However, there are no significant differences when it comes to their overall body color and structure.
Silver Tip Tetra Size
Silvertip Tetra is a relatively small freshwater fish species with a maximum size of 1.2 inches or 3.8 cm while in a captivity environment, but the wild breeds might be a little bigger than the captivity breeds.
Silvertip Tetra Lifespan
Although they are relatively small, Silver Tip Tetra features an impressive lifespan of approximately 5 to 8 years or more when cared for properly in captivity. This is significantly longer when compared to most fishes of the same size.
Appearance, Colors, And Special Markings
Silver Tip Tetra has grown in popularity significantly since most aquarists love their appearance. This fish features a body with a bright color that is almost golden. Beside their eyes, you will see a small silver pattern.
In addition to that, Silver Tip Tetra features black strips that run from mid of their body to their tail fin. Their dorsal fin features a golden-yellowish color and a small silver lining at the tip.
The anal fin, on the other hand, incorporate a similar color pattern to the dorsal fin. Unlike other Retra fishes, the Silver Tip Tetra does not feature adipose fins. At the end of their tail fin, Silvertip Tetra features a small silver lining.
These stunning colors and markings make Silver Tip Tetra one of the most famous fish species in a home aquarium.
Silver Tip Tetra Behavior & Temperament
Silvertip Tetra is considered a peaceful schooling fish species and loves being in a community of not less than six groups. They are very active and love being around small non-aggressive fish species such as Rasboras and Livebearers, as well as other Tetras.
However, when kept alone in an aquarium along with other species of fish, the Silver Tip Tetra tends to be very aggressive and often nips the fins of other fishes.
To help solve the fin nipping problem, you will have to keep your Silver Tip Tetra fish in a group of at least 6.
Silver Tip Tetra Care
When taken good care of, Silvertip Tetra will flourish and enhance their longevity significantly. Therefore, if you are planning on keeping Silver Tip Tetra as a pet, here are vital aspects you will need to consider to improve their overall well-being and enhance longevity;
Most people are passionate about fishkeeping and purchase small fish species such as Silver Tip Tetra for their home aquarium as a hobby. They often care for the fish and try their best to replicate the natural habitat for the fish in the aquarium.
However, some individuals purchase fish for entertainment such that they do not research how to care for their fish hence filling up the aquarium and dumping the fish into the tank. After a few days or weeks, the poor soul ends up dying.
Fish require utmost care and Silvertip Tetra fish are no different. Failure to take care of your fish will end up killing them, which is the lasting thing any aquarist would want to experience.
Taking care of Silver Tip Tetra is relatively easy as they are considered hardy fish, meaning they accept a wide range of water parameters. This makes it ideal for newbie aquarists with little knowledge of how to maintain water parameters.
When taking care of your Silver Tip Tetra, you want to ensure that the aquarium is also cleaned and maintained to help your fish thrive.
Since an aquarium or fish tank is a closed system, it requires maintenance more often a failure to do so the water will slowly become toxic and unhealthy for the fish to inhabit.
This is unquestionably a severe problem that should not happen in your aquarium. To aid in reducing toxic water levels, you should change 10% of your aquarium water each week.
– Silver Tip Tetra Tank Size
In addition to maintaining your aquarium, you would also want to choose the perfect tank size for your Silvertip Tetra fish. One of the common mistakes among novice aquarists is choosing the wrong aquarium size.
First thing first, you should purchase a fish tank that is bigger than what the fish needs. Therefore, when keeping a school of fish such as Silver Tip Tetra, you would want to purchase a bigger aquarium.
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This is a vital point to note since they tend to live in school and a minimum of six groups. Thus, you should invest in a bigger aquarium. That will allow your fish to swim freely and will allow them to feel comfortable like in the wild.
An inch of fish will need approximately 2 gallons of water in order to survive comfortably. Therefore, when you purchase a Silvertip Tetra measuring 1.2 inches, you will need 2.5 gallons of water.
This means that for the school of five Silver Tip Tetra fish to survive comfortably in your aquarium, it should hold approximately 10 gallons.
We experienced that they thrive well in a more specious tank such as 20 gallons of water which enables them to swim around in a school comfortably. Always think of the survival rate of your fish.
– Tank Setup
The other vital aspect you will need to consider when caring for your Silvertip Tetra is the lighting setup. Usually, dim lights are considered the best for Silver Tip Tetra.
Although your fish tank will appear a bit darker because of dim lighting, the Tetra fish will still be visible due to the golden-yellow color that makes them shine.
As their body reflects light in your aquarium, they will appear stunning. In fact, their color will be more visible in a dark substrate giving your fish tank a spectacular look.
The lighting will benefit the fish and the Aquatic Plants as it enhances photosynthesis and helps them grow better. Unfortunately, dim lights are not beneficial for plants. This means that you should use a light that will be beneficial for your plant.
Since this will force you to use bright lighting, you will need to use other decorations to help the fish hide when the light is turned on.
You can include rocks, caves, and driftwood that make the tank a stunning look while making more safe places for the fish. By doing so, both the plant and fish will thrive significantly.
The substrate for Silvertip Tetra can use sand, fine gravel, or soil. Using sand as a substrate will help it resemble its wild habitat. And the best thing is that sand is very affordable.
When it comes to decoration, consider using rocks and plants as fish in the wild they love swimming in areas with lots of rocks and plants.
Aquarium Water Filter:
An aquarium filter is another significant thing you will need to keep in mind regarding your tank setup. With the filter in place, you will be able to maintain water quality and aeration.
The filter will aid in cleaning your aquarium while maintaining the nitrogen cycle in your aquarium.
Beneficial bacteria such as Nitrobacter bacteria and Nitrifying bacteria will aid in breaking down ammonia as well as nitrite that tend to be toxic to the water in your fish tank. Such bacteria aid in keeping your aquarium water safe and non-toxic for the fish.
– Water Conditions and Parameters
Due to dead plants and fish poop, the water in your fish aquarium can become toxic and possibly kill your fish. To prevent this from occurring, you will need to maintain favorable water conditions inhabitable for the fish.
To achieve this, you will need to change 10% of your aquarium water weekly. In addition to that, temperatures and other water parameters such as nitrate, ammonia, phosphate, nitrate, and water hardness should be considered.
The water temperature should be between 64 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit or 23 to 28 degrees Celsius. The pH range should be between 6.0 and 8.5, while the water hardness level should be 4 to 8 dKH.
– Suitable Plants
Floating aquarium plants are considered the best for use in a fish tank with Silver Tip Tetra. These plants will give your fish some shade against the lighting.
However, you should avoid using lots of aquatic plants in your tank as they will reduce space for your fish to move around.
You can also include some leafy plants such as Anubias and Amazon Sword if you wish to because they provide the best hiding places for your fish.
Possible Diseases and Prevention
Here are some common diseases among Silver Tip Tetra along with their prevention methods;
Mucus Membrane and Gill Parasite:
This disease does not have symptoms and often becomes apparent after the infection has progressed. The main cause of this disease is single-cell organelles such as Trichodina, Costia, and Chilodonella.
To prevent this infection, you will need to use clean water in your aquarium and remember to always take good care of your fish as it will improve their immune system.
Fungal Infections:
You will most likely find patches that look like cotton wool on their skin. This infection is often triggered by fungal spores such as the Saprolegnia genus always present in water. It often affects fishes with weak immunity. To prevent this infection, you will also need to improve your fish’s living conditions, including water quality.
Neon Tetra disease:
This is a common infection among Silver Tip Tetra and is often characterized by restlessness, difficulty in swimming, and loss of color. This disease is caused by Pleistophora Hyphessobryconis.
This often occurs from ingesting dead fish or infected live foods. Therefore, it is advisable to get rid of uneaten food in your fish tank to prevent this infection from occurring due to food decomposition.
Origin, Distribution, And Availability
Silver Tip Tetra is said to have originated from South America and around Sao Francisco, Brazil. These fish species are found in tropical freshwaters and tend to live in brackish as well as fresh water in the wild.
Their natural habitat makes them stand out from other Tetras species out there. Furthermore, Silver Tip Tetra tends to live away from main river channels. Here they can find slow-moving waters and a sufficient amount of food.
When it comes to distribution and availability, these tetra species are very popular in the market due to their outstanding golden-yellow body along with their silver-tip fin. Usually, most aquarists would like to purchase Silvertip Tetra captured from the wild.
But, unfortunately, most breeds found in your local fish store are not caught from their natural habitats, but they are captive breeds. And due to high demand, these fish are outsourced and distributed from Brazil to other countries across the globe.
Diet and Feeding
These fishes are omnivorous, meaning that they eat both live foods and plants. In their natural habitat, the Silvertip Tetra diet includes worms, small insects, plant debris, algae, and eggs.
Due to this feeding them is relatively easy since they consume almost anything you give them, from fine flakes to granulated foods. Like humans, a well-balanced diet is ideal for Silvertip Tetra.
Therefore, you need to ensure that they receive sufficient and highly nutritious food to enhance their growth and boost immunity. Failure to give your fish proper dieting will start losing its coloration.
You can feed your tetra any food, including bloodworm, brine shrimp, and daphnia. Fish pellets and flakes are some of the commonly used foods.
Silver Tip Tetra Tank Mates
Silvertip Tetra will live in harmony with other smaller Tetras, smaller Cichlids, and small Gourami varieties in one tank. These fishes are considered the best tank mates for Silver Tip Tetra.
However, you should ensure that you have not less than 6 groups of Silver Tip Tetra. This makes them peaceful and lives peacefully with other species.
The best tank mates that go with Silver Tip Tetra is:
- Electric Blue Ram
- Black Skirt Tetra
- Buenos Aires Tetra
- Zebra Danios
- Molly Fish
- Rasboras
- Blind Cave Tetra
- Cory Catfish
- Serpae Tetra
- Platy Fish
How Do You Breed A Silver Tip Tetra?
These fishes are egg scatterers meaning they lay their eggs on plants. Adult Silver Tips Tetra fish often don’t care about their eggs and consume them when they come across them.
Therefore, if you are planning on breeding Silvertip Tetras, we recommend that you use a breeding tank and separate eggs from their parents once they lay eggs.
The water condition in their breeding tank could be the same as the water condition in their regular tank. A tank that holds 10 gallons of water would be sufficient as a breeding tank. But you have to put more plants in it for the safety of eggs and new fries.
For best results, the water temperature should be between 82 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit while their diet should be nutrient-dense meals.
Are Silvertip Tetras Hardy?
Yes, silvertip tetras are considered hardy. This means that they accept a wide range of water parameters. This feature makes silvertip an excellent pet for newbie aquarists.
Is Silvertip Tetra Aggressive?
No, silvertip tetra is considered peaceful schooling fish. However, they tend to be slightly more aggressive than the smaller fish species. Also, they are often observed nipping on similar size fish species.
Are Silvertip Tetra Fin Nippers?
Yes, Silver Tip Tetra tends to nip other fish’s fins when kept alone. However, when kept as a group, you will not have to worry about fin-nipping anymore.
Can We Keep Silver Tip Tetra with Betta Fish?
Yes, you can keep Silvertip Tetra fish with Peaceful Betta fish breeds. In fact, Crescent Betta fish is considered one of the best tank mates for Silvertip as they are both peaceful and lively.
How Many Silvertip Tetras Should Be Kept Together?
You should keep a minimum of 6 Silvertip tetras in one tank as they are schooling fish. They often do well while in a group and need a big and free space for swimming. As mentioned earlier, when kept alone, Silver Tip Tetra will become very aggressive.
Where Can We Find Silvertip Tetra for Sale?
Due to the increase in popularity, Silvertip Tetras can be found in any nearby fish store. Their popularity has led to growth in Silver Tip Tetra farming, making them highly available in the market.
Final Thoughts
Silver Tip Tetra is unquestionably one of the best fish for your home aquarium as well as ideal for novice aquarists. The Silvertip Tetra attracts most people thanks to its incredibly attractive color pattern.
When taken good care of, these fishes will glow significantly, giving your aquarium a stunning look. If you are a new Silver Tip Tetra enthusiast, adhering to and incorporating tips discussed in this article.
This will make it relatively easier to take care of your fish and watch it grow to old age while glowing your aquarium for years.
As we conclude this article, we hope you have found this beneficial as you plan to take care of your Silver Tip Tetra.