Shubunkin Goldfish Care Guide and Species Profile – Tank Mates and Diet

Goldfish are constantly popular pets globally, and both kids and adults love them. Shubunkin Goldfish features variegated colors, which makes it a unique type of Goldfish.
Most people prefer rearing it because it is a beginner-friendly fish. Furthermore, apart from its fantastic color, it features more excellent features that make it stand out among other types of Goldfish.
Therefore, this Shubunkin Goldfish care guide will make you more knowledgeable about this fish species.
Quick Facts: | |
Common Names : | Shubunkin Goldfish, Calico Goldfish |
Origin : | Japan and China |
Family : | Cyprinidae |
Scientific Name : | Carassius auratus |
Care Level : | Easy |
Temperament : | Peaceful |
Social : | Community fish |
Diet : | Omnivores |
Size (average) : | 12 - 14 inches |
Lifespan : | 10 - 15 years |
Breeding : | Egg layer |
Minimum Tank Size: | 15 gallons |
Tank Environment : | Freshwater Sandy substrate or gravel, Driftwood, Smooth Rocks, Silk or plastic plants, Avoid sharpy objects |
Temperature : | 65 – 72 °F (18 – 22 °C) |
Water pH Level : | 6.0 – 8.0 pH |
Water Hardness : | 5 – 19 dGH |
Species Overview
Shubunkin Goldfish is a colorful breed of Goldfish originating from Japan. These little creatures are too colorful and acquire their name from their color. You can also refer to them as Goldfish Calico or even Calico Goldfish.
All Goldfish, including Shubunkins, fall under the Cyprinidae family. Many people rear and love this type of fish because it does not possess teeth like multiple animals because their teeth are featured at the back of the throat.
On the other hand, their multi-hued coloration and brightness make them an excellent coloration to any given aquarium or even pond. If you want to keep Goldfish species in your freshwater tank then consider keeping Shubunkin.
When looking for them, you should not confuse them with Koi fish since they have a similar appearance. However, this should not worry you because aquarists understand a big difference between Koi and Shubunkin, more so in the price tag.
Again, if you need a perfect addition to your aquarium, Shubunkin Goldfish would be a perfect fit.
Origin, Distribution, And Availability
This type of Goldfish is also called Calico Goldfish, which means multicolored. Shubunkin is a wild carp descendant residing in Asia, but it was first bred in Japan.
This Goldfish got its name from a Japanese town called Shubuta, and this is where it was bred first. Bear in mind that this fish species was first introduced to the West by James Meehan in 1882. James Meehan worked as a London zoo curator.
When it comes to its habitat, you must know that it is a member of the Cyprinidae family. This tells more about where they love residing, in ponds, ditches, lakes, or even slow rivers.
Besides, in Asia, the fish reared in ponds feature a decorated habitat. It can either be with rocks, driftwood, or plastic plants.
Appearance, Colors, And Special Markings
You must know that Shubunkin Goldfish can be categorized into three varying types, primarily London Shubunkin Goldfish, Bristol Shubunkin Goldfish, and America Shubunkin Goldfish.
Bear in mind that you need to offer both of them the same care requirements.
However, they differ in appearance. The London Shubunkin Goldfish is a famous type of Goldfish, and it incorporates a slender body and short tail. Additionally, its fit is rounder.
Similarly, the American Shubunkin Goldfish features a longer tail with a dramatic and deep fork. Its tail is very similar to that of Comet Goldfish. Some people usually think it is close to the original Japanese Shubunkin.
The Bristol Shubunkin Goldfish features a fuller tail that looks like a letter B without much ado. Its shape is distinct, but they are rare in the industry and come at a big price tag. They both have short and wide heads.
Do not forget that both also have an expanded dorsal fin, which stands erect with a smooth taper.
You must understand that Its color can easily notify Shubunkin goldfish. They have a shade of blue, grey, white, orange, red, and even yellow. However, the blue spots are usually specially and rarely found in Goldfish.
When these colors combine, they offer you a distinct Calico look. Multiple Shubunkin Goldfish are usually heavily spotted, and this gives them a unique impression.
Shubunkin Goldfish Size
Shubunkin Goldfish Size can grow up to 12 or 14 inches long. Likewise, the size of this fish is determined by its environment as well as its diet. Therefore, in the right condition, it can comfortably grow up to a size of 12 inches.
Shubunkin Goldfish Lifespan
With optimal care, Shubunkin Goldfish lifespan ranges from 10 to 15 years in a well-cared environment. This is achievable if you keep them in a habitat featuring excellent water conditions as well as a diet.
If you are lucky enough, you can find the one that exceeds the lifespan mentioned above. This fish can live up to beyond two decades if they are properly maintained in the fish ponds.
When you keep Shubunkin fish in an uncouth environment, it can lead to premature death and illness.
Behavior & Temperament
This type of Goldfish is active and social because they spend most of their valuable time exploring your tank.
Most of the time, they are likely to act like scavengers because you will locate them at the bottom of the tank, scavenging for leftover food or plant detritus.
You must know that they are excellent scavengers that multiple aquarists usually do not consider keeping other bottom-dwelling fish with them. These fish are agile and first swimmers.
Suppose you are worried about their temperament. Worry no more because Shubunkin fish are pretty peaceful. Moreover, they love residing in groups and can survive well in a multi-species tank.
Shubunkin Goldfish Care
If you have an aquarium or pond and you want to rear these fish, there is a lot you need to consider. Luckily Shubunkin Goldfish care is somehow straightforward since it is a hard species.
They survive well in captivity, which means they can thrive appropriately in conditions that other fish can barely survive. With all this, you still need to commit yourself to giving your fish the best condition and maximum care.
Here is an overview of care guidelines:
Shubunkin fish does not require much care from you when it comes to tank maintenance. You only need regular tank cleaning. They clean up themselves because they go after the leftovers.
Thus, to ensure that you keep them healthy, you need to ensure that the water in the pond or aquarium is clean. Bear in mind that your water is likely to get contaminated, more so if you have a fish pound outdoors.
With proper and maximum care, you are likely to guarantee your fish a longer lifespan, and from contracting diseases
– Shubunkin Goldfish Tank Size
When fetching an aquarium, you need to consider the Shubunkin Goldfish tank size. This means you should aim for an aquarium that generates sufficient surface area.
In addition, the higher the aquarium surface area, the more enjoyable it becomes for your Shubunkin fish because it will not experience oxygen shortage.
An aquarium with a larger surface area is a guarantee that water will contact air directly. This enhances the circulation of air. On the other hand, if you like the one with a smaller surface area, you must integrate it with an oxygen pump.
Now that you are aware that Shubunkin fish are fast swimmers, you need to ensure that the tank you are getting generates enough space for your fish to swim in the few years to come.
The minimum tank size should be able to hold 15 gallons. But, it is appropriate that you start with a tank size that can probably hold 20 to 30 gallons of freshwater.
And for every other Goldfish, maximize the capacity of your tank size by 10 gallons. Bear in mind that these fish can adapt well in small habitats, but they do excellently in larger areas.
If you could afford money then go for a larger tank that has the potential of holding 75 to 100 gallons, and it can provide sufficient swimming room for your fish.
– Shubunkin Goldfish Tank Setup
With the right tank setup, you are likely to keep your shubunkin goldfish healthy and happy. Below is what makes your tank-set-up remarkable:
As mentioned earlier, this fish spends most of its time at the bottom of the tank. Therefore, it is ideal that you feature some substrate in your tank than your aquarium having a bare bottom.
You can find smooth gravel that is not small enough to prevent your fish from swallowing it. Furthermore, ensure that you avoid substrates that are sharp because they can easily catch your fish.
Since this fish is not picky, you need to use medium-sized gravel for decoration. In addition, smooth driftwood pieces and rocks make an incredible decoration. Also, plastic artificial plants or silk plants may be an option for decorations.
This fish generates a substantial amount of waste similar to other Goldfish, and its waste is full of ammonia. Therefore, excellent filtration is crucial unless you would love to change the water in your aquarium constantly.
You must ensure that the filter you buy has the appropriate strength for your tank size. This will enable you to deal with excess goldfish waste.
Suppose you have a 40-gallon tank; it is appropriate to purchase a suitable filter for 50 to 60 gallons tank size. This is much strong, efficient, and effective.
Shubunkin fish does not require lighting, but if you have placed it in the corner of a darker room without any natural light. There is a need to have lighting in your aquarium. It would be better to keep your aquarium where it can access ambient light, even from the room.
Remember, your aquarium should not be in direct sunlight because it can easily heat the water in the tank and enhance algae growth.
As much as you might not need light, you might purchase one to offer your tank a brighter impression and make it interesting. The light should be one for at least eight hours a day. It is worth noting that this fish also requires darkness.
– Water Conditions and Parameters
To keep Shubunkin Goldfish healthy, you need to find a tank that gives plenty of room for this fish to move and look for food. Similarly, it should have a low to moderate water movement and a perfect amount of light.
You also need to ensure that the water condition is stable to ensure that your fish does not turn out to be stressed. Goldfish are known to be hardy fish, and they can perfectly tolerate any given change, unlike other fish.
You must understand that Shubunkin fish usually require cooler waters, which does not apply to other tropical fish. Additionally, you need to make sure that they reside in incredibly oxygenated water with a neutral pH.
Shubunkin is a wonderful Goldfish species because it has the maximum potential to tolerate some degrees above freezing temperature. Ideally, it is a perfect choice for someone with a fish pond.
It is recommended that you have a heater in your aquarium or pond to prevent extreme temperatures. However, if they experience a gradual temperature change and drop a few degrees each day, they will not likely suffer from any given ill-effect.
Therefore, below are some of the water parameters you need to consider to maintain the life of your Goldfish throughout:
- Water hardness: 5 – 19 dGH
- pH levels: 6.0- 8.0
- Water temperature-: 65°F – 72 °F (18°C – 22 °C)
– Suitable Plants
To create a natural habitat for your fish, you need to add plants. Bear in mind that Shubunkin fish is known for uprooting live plants. People are aware of this, but they still prefer using them.
Therefore, if you opt for live plants, it is recommended that you anchor them securely at the bottom of your tank. To avoid this fish from ruining plants, it would be better you use plastic and silk plants.
Possible Diseases and Prevention
Shubunkin is a hardy fish, and naturally, they do not experience any issues with their health. In case of any health problems, then it is due to environmental conditions.
Furthermore, Shubunkin fish diseases are usually preventable, but they are likely to die if you leave your fish untreatable.
Remember, this fish is resilient, and when you deal with them at an early stage, they will recover completely. Here is an overview of diseases that are likely to affect your fish:
– External Parasites
You must know that external parasites are common among the Goldfish species, and they are easy to handle. If you handle them early, you will not experience any fatal issues.
Besides, external parasites, such as staves, have flatworms approximately 1 mm long and feature a hook around their mouth. This worm infests your fish’s body or gills.
On the other hand, fish lice are flattened crustaceans and are around 5 mm and infest your fish’s body. Your fish can also be attacked by worms, such as the thread, which come from the fish itself.
When you realize that your fish is not healthy, ensure you move it to another tank without plants as well as gravel. Besides, ensure that you change the water regularly.
Similarly, if the disease is all over the tank, you can carry out the treatment process in the same tank. Some fish medications can affect your water quality by harming the beneficial bacteria.
In addition, you also need to remove any given chemical media, more so the activated carbon, from the tank. If you do not, carbon is likely to absorb the entire medicine you put in your tank, hence interfering with the treatment process.
– Swim Bladder Disease
Shubunkin Goldfish can contract a swim bladder disease due to constipation, and it is a popular issue with Goldfish, more so those with rotund bodies.
When the fish is infected with this disease, it is likely to remain upright in the water, and you will notice that it struggles to swim.
A fish with a swim bladder disease tends to remain on your substrate, and this usually makes it impossible to swim on your surface. You can find a solution to this disease by not giving it food for 24 hours and feeding it frozen and live foods.
You can also feed it a meal, especially shelled peas, which helps to relieve blockage. When you exercise this, your fish is likely to heal faster.
– White Spot Disease (ICH)
This is a common problem in Shubunkin Goldfish caused by the protozoan parasite, which resides in your aquarium. ICH usually attacks fish that are weakened due to poor water conditions.
It can also affect a fish that is stressed or even sick. Suppose you want to determine whether your fish is infected with this disease, examine whether it has tiny white spots rashes across the fins, gills, and skin.
Fishes that are affected usually hang around decorations and substrates to try and eliminate parasites.
Shubunkin Goldfish Food and Feeding
This Goldfish is an omnivore, and it is also a picky eater. Bear in mind that they all eat multiple plants and animal food. It can feed on pellet foods, flakes, vegetables to mosquito larvae.
Top-quality pellet or flake food meant specifically for Goldfish without 30% protein is an ideal base for the Shubunkin diet. Most people prefer this because it is a well-balanced diet.
You can also choose to supplement this diet with freeze-dried, frozen, and fresh foods. If the Goldfish gets a chance to eat, it can overfeed.
Therefore, make sure you feed it an appropriate amount of food depending on your fish’s size. Please feed them at least 2 meals each day rather than one great meal.
How Can You Tell If a Shubunkin Is Male or Female?
It is not easy to differentiate the sex of these fish, especially when they are young.
However, when they mature and are ready for breeding, you can easily tell because males will begin developing the breeding tubercles on their heads and the gills.
On the other hand, the female ones will start pumping up. Additionally, males are thinner and smaller compared to females.
Shubunkin Goldfish Breeding
Shubunkin Goldfish breeding needs at least a group of four or five fish. Furthermore, they are friendly animals that shoal in larger groups. Shubunkin will spawn only under the right conditions.
This means you should ensure that your tank conditions are excellent and your fish will breed without intervention. On the other hand, breading needs a distinct tank setup or a breeding tank.
In addition, this tank needs to be full of plant life for catching eggs and spawning. You can opt for artificial plants if need be.
For your fish to spawn, you must drop your water temperature to 60 degrees Fahrenheit and increase by 2 to 3 degrees Fahrenheit each day until you reach approximately 72 degrees.
Goldfish usually spawn in warm water, and this acts as a stimulator. During breeding, ensure that you feed your fish on top-quality foods, such as bloodworms or shrimp. Make sure there are no leftovers at the bottom of your tank to avoid harming the fish.
When the males commence chasing females for a few days, their colors will intensify and darken. Males then push females against the plants and make them release eggs as the males fertilize them.
Spawning usually lasts for some hours and generates up to 10,000 eggs. After spawning, parents are likely to feed on the eggs; hence you need to remove the adults from the breeding tank.
The eggs will take seven days to hatch. Feed the small fish 0n small foods until they are grown to eat larger food.
Shubunkin Goldfish Tank Mates
Before you think about Shubunkin Goldfish tank mates, you must know that this fish is very active and can steal food from other fish.
Thus, shy or inactive fish that move slowly can barely make incredible tank mates.
Some fish can make the best Shubunkin Goldfish tank mates such as:
These fishes have quick movement and are active when feeding. This means you will watch and feed your fish at varying times and points to allow all your fish to feed properly.
You can achieve this remarkably by feeding Shubunkin fish on a single side, and another side allows you slower fish to feed.
If you admire peaceful and shy fish, you opt to add some species of Goldfish, like Comet Goldfish, Fancy Goldfish, and Koi, which feature similar temperament and attitude.
They have a general color with many variations, hence looking excellent together. You can also decide to add Crustaceans.
Do Goldfish Need a Heater?
No, Goldfish do not require a heater because they are temperate. As long as your home is warm decently with constant temperature, you probably do not require a heater.
Where Shubunkin Goldfish for Sale?
If you are looking forward to buying Shubunkin goldfish, you can find them in the nearest fish stores globally. They are usually ready to add a colorful life to your whole aquarium.
How Much Do Shubunkin Goldfish Cost?
Shubunkin goldfish are not as expensive as other Goldfish. This means they are affordable and can cost you a few dollars. It is only costly to get the gears of setting up their pond or aquarium.
Its maintenance is also low and needs a little expense.
This Shubunkin Goldfish breed is ideal for keeping in your aquarium because it is a hardy species that is easy to care for. Aquarists love this fish because it is colorful and very affordable.
Therefore, make them your number one option and make your aquarium colorful and interesting. Moreover, pretty creatures can be found in your nearest pet store.