Ryukin Goldfish Care Guide: Tank Size, Tank Mates, Feeding and Breeding

Ryukin Goldfish are popular and one of the unique goldfish breeds that enhance the aesthetic of your fish tank. This Goldfish breed is very active and is very fun to spectate.
Additionally, they are relatively easy to take care of as opposed to most goldfish species out there. If you own one or are planning on purchasing one for the first time, understanding how to take care of them is critical.
Therefore, in today’s article, we shall be taking you through the Ryukin Goldfish care guide and species profile. By the time you are done with this article, you will be ready to take care of your pet with the utmost ease. With that said, let’s get started.
Quick Facts: | |
Common Names | Ryukin Goldfish, Calico Goldfish |
Origin | Japan and China |
Family | Cyprinidae |
Scientific Name | Carassius auratus |
Care Level | Easy |
Temperament | Peaceful |
Social | Community fish |
Diet | Omnivores |
Size (average) | 6 to 10 inches |
Lifespan | 10 - 15 years |
Breeding | Egg layer |
Minimum Tank Size | 10 gallons |
Tank Setup | Freshwater, Sandy substrate or gravel, Driftwood, Smooth Rocks, Silk or plastic plants, Avoid sharpy objects |
Temperature | 64 – 72 °F (17 – 22 °C) |
Water pH Level | 6.5 – 8.0 pH |
Water Hardness | 5 – 18 dGH |
Species Overview
The Ryukin Goldfish, whose scientific name is Carassius auratus, is among the fancy varieties of Goldfish. It is a species of Goldfish that has a significant history in Asian culture. Their unique and outstanding look is the main reason for their popularity.
Also known as Calico Goldfish, these fish incorporate white and orange with black spots covering their whole body. They have been popular among Asian people since the 1700s.
These fish species feature a distinctive hump that forms within their shoulder as they age to maturity. Their unique look makes them an excellent and low-maintenance aquarium pet for both newbies and experienced aquarists.
Ryukin Goldfish Size
This Ryukin Goldfish size is relatively small, reaching a length of approximately 6 inches. However, when taken good care of and in the best environment, the Ryukin Goldfish size can grow way larger.
Some aquarists who own Ryukin have reported their pet growing to reach a length of up to 10 inches. However, they will only attain this length when kept in a pond or significantly large and well-maintained aquarium.
Ryukin Goldfish Lifespan
When it comes to Ryukin Goldfish lifespan, they tend to live significantly longer than what most individuals assume. When taken good care of, Ryukin Goldfish lifespan can last by approximately 10 to 15 years.
However, it is not unheard of for these fishes to live up to 20 years.
Origin, Distribution, And Availability
The origin of these fish species has long been lost to history. Nonetheless, these fishes are believed to have originated in China, and it was introduced in Japan in the early 1770s. Here, Ryukin Goldfish grew significantly in popularity and has even been mentioned in early literary works.
Nowadays, these fishes continue to be an iconic image in Asian heritage. Moreover, aquarists across the globe have a chance to enjoy what Ryukin has to offer as well.
The fish has been widely bred throughout the world. Due to its top-notch look and cold hardiness, you can find Ryukin Goldfish for sale in almost every aquarium pet store, irrespective of the climatic condition.
Appearance and Colors
They are undoubtedly one of the most beautiful Goldfish breeds out there in the aquarium trade. It features a unique profile and is shaped like eggs. They have a stubby and short body, and their belly is relatively round.
At the top, this fish features a large dorsal hump that connects its head to the rest of its body. Combining the height of their dorsal hump and the round-shaped belly gives you a unique and top-notch look. The two aspects make their head look somewhat pointed.
Ryukin Goldfish possess a unique tail and are also double finned fish as well. Unlike the basic caudal shape, you will find four tail lobes on these fishes. This design creates an outstanding appearance that you cannot find in another Goldfish breed.
When it comes to special markings, Ryukin Goldfish differ significantly. You can find these Goldfish in an array of colors, with the following ones being some of the most popular;
Calico Ryukin Goldfish
The Calico Ryukin Goldfish features a prominent hump or arch behind its head along with a flat belly, curved backbone, pointed mouth, long feathery fins, and triangular body. This gives it a distinctive look.
They incorporate some fantastic colors from white to red, chocolate, and tri-color.
High Back Ryukin
This Ryukin Goldfish features extremely high backs often described as dorsal humps. They also come in various colors, from tri-color to red, blue, white, and even bi-color.
Red Ryukin Goldfish
The Red Ryukin Goldfish features a long tail with a red cap that gives it an incredible look. This Goldfish variety is very fancy and features a black and white color pattern in addition to its distinctive red color.
Sakura Ryukin Goldfish
The Sakura Ryukin Goldfish features an incredible fin which gives it a gliding appearance. They incorporate a golden color along with orange, white, and black specks giving it its unique appearance.
Black Ryukin Goldfish
This is another unique Ryukin Goldfish breed. The Black Ryukin Goldfish features a black and white color pattern giving them a panda-like look. Their body colors are unique and hard to miss, unlike other types of Ryukins.
Ryukin Goldfish Behavior And Temperament
Although they have egg-shaped bodies, these fishes are very active. They tend to be very vigorous as opposed to other goldfish species, and they can be a joy to watch. Consequently, these fish also prove to be problematic to other fishes.
They are said to be semi-aggressive, and they will always pick on the weaker breeds. They can also chase after fish they could theoretically consume. Due to this, you will have to be careful when it comes to choosing Ryukin Goldfish tank mates.
Ryukin Goldfish Care
Taking good care of a Ryukin Goldfish will help in enhancing their longevity; therefore, is how you can take care of your Ryukin Goldfish;
Taking care of these fish species is relatively easier than other fancy Goldfish species out there. These fishes are quite hardy, and they adapt well to almost any aquarium that is well-maintained and fully cycled.
Of course, there are guidelines you will have to adhere to. Contrary to common belief, Goldfishes are not tropical fish breeds. This means that they cannot be kept in warm water, unlike most freshwater species in the aquarium market.
The Ryukin Goldfish have various essential needs you will have to cater as discussed below.
– Ryukin Goldfish Tank Size
First things first, before buying, you will need to purchase the correct Ryukin Goldfish tank size. With a significantly large size tank for your Goldfish, it will be rational to assume that your fish will require a big fish tank.
A single fish requires a tank that holds approximately 10 gallons of water. This is the bare minimum, and it is always advisable to go for a larger size. In most cases, a 20 to 30 gallons Ryukin Goldfish tank size is said to be far better for a single fish.
Having an aquarium of such size, you will be able to keep a sizable group together while giving your pets lots of rooms to explore.
– Ryukin Goldfish Tank Setup
Like tank size, tank setup is equally essential. As opposed to other Goldfish species out there, these Goldfish do not require a natural environment for them to be happy. Your fish will be fine with any artificial ornament objects inside their tank.
At the bottom of your fish tank, place a medium-size gravel substrate. You can always settle for any color you like; however, you will have to ensure that the gravel is round and soft.
With that in place, you can add decorative hideouts along with other stuff you would like to decorate with your tank. Artificial plants are said to be one of the best decorative artifacts you might consider using.
You should install a heater if you live in an environment that requires one. The same applies to the air pump as well as the bladder. If your tank is equipped with a powerful filtration system, you might not require extra oxygenation.
Your powerful filter will be enough to cycle your tank efficiently. It is essential to have one since Ryukin is a messy fish that produces lots of waste products.
Additionally, you will need to carry out a 25% water change each week. Aquarium lighting is ideal for creating a night/day cycle and helps you view your fish with the utmost ease at night.
If kept in an area with natural light, you will not require artificial light. However, since most aquariums come equipped with in-built light on the lid, most aquarists opt to use it.
Although they might not impact your fish, it is recommended to have it on for about 12 to 16 hours per day and off for 8 to 12 hours. It would help if you considered using a timer when regulating it not to forget it accidentally.
– Water Conditions And Parameters
Ryukin Goldfish needs to be kept in water temperature of approximately 64 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit (). As a result, you will not require a heater in most cases. Since they are hardy fish, Ryukin is capable of tolerating low temperatures.
However, when the temperature drops significantly within a short period, it can be fatal. Therefore, you should maintain your aquarium within the recommended parameters.
- Water temperature: 64 – 72 °F (17 – 22 °C)
- Acidity: 6.5 – 8.0 pH
- Water hardness: 5 – 18 dGH
Suitable Aquarium Plants
Unfortunately, live plants are not ideal for these fish species because they will uproot plants as well as ruin decorative plants. It would help if you considered using soft silk plants to decorate your tank.
These artificial plants will offer shelter while preventing accidental injuries. This is by far the essential aspect to consider when decorating your fish tank since Ryukin Goldfish are delicate.
Something as simple as a rough, sharp corner can cause detrimental injury to your fish.
Ryukin Goldfish Diseases And Prevention
They are prone to Swim Bladder disorder. This is often due to their egg-shaped body. Their gastrointestinal tract might have a dead zone where foods get stuck leading to constipation.
Usually, when a Goldfish floats upside down, it is a sign of swim bladder disorder. However, when it comes to Ryukin, this is a sign of constipation. Therefore, to prevent this condition from occurring, you will need to avoid overfeeding your fish.
Additionally, you will need to feed your fish an array of diets to prevent them from flipping over due to constipation.
In addition to that, Ryukin Goldfish are susceptible to dropsy thanks to their unique shape and biology. They can also experience freshwater fish infections such as fungal, Ich, and bacterial infections.
Usually, most of these diseases are associated with poor living conditions. At times, your fish will start turning white or even black due to these infections.
Therefore, improving your tank’s hygiene will help in preventing your fish from falling ill. It would help if you always kept an eye out.
Ryukin Goldfish Food And Feeding
When it comes to food and diet, feeding this fish species is pretty much straightforward. Ryukin Goldfish are omnivores meaning that they accept most foods.
Dry flakes along with pellets of high nutritional value need to be the main food source for a Ryukin Goldfish. Regularly feeding your fish a commercial food will ensure that it receives all the essential nutrients it requires.
In case you would like to supplement this diet, you might consider periodically feeding your fish live or frozen food. Usually, Ryukin enjoys having Daphnia, bloodworms as well as brine shrimps.
Irrespective of the type of food you feed your Ryukin, you should not overfeed them. This is vital to note since Ryukin is prone to overeating which will agitate their gastrointestinal tract, which is relatively sensitive.
Therefore, you should consider spending some time learning how to feed your Ryukin Goldfish.
Ryukin Goldfish Tank Mates
Although they are not aggressive, Ryukin Goldfish are considered fast swimmers; therefore, they will outshine other fancy Goldfish species when feeding.
As a result, suitable tank mates include other fast and agile fancy Goldfish species such as Fantail Goldfish, Oranda Goldfish, Lionhead Goldfish, along with other Ryukin Goldfishes.
Some aquarists say that Ryukin will not compete for food when placed in the same tank with long-bodied single tail fishes like Shubunkin Goldfish and other commonly available Goldfishes.
However, this can be very risky since your fish can end up becoming malnourished if they are not fed well. Furthermore, Ryukin Goldfish are said to do well in groups, but they can also be kept singly without any problem.
When keeping Ryukin Goldfish with other fishes, you might consider sticking to dual-fin fish. This is a vital point to note since Ryukin Goldfish shows signs of aggression towards single-fin fish species.
Ryukin Goldfish Breeding
Breeding Ryukin Goldfish is relatively easy when kept in a suitable condition. If everything is set correctly, you might even end up with thousands of Ryukin baby fishes to take care of.
To breed these fishes, you will have to keep them in groups since they are social creatures and tend to do well when multiple females and males are left to spawn.
First and foremost, you will need to set up a separate breeding tank with a capacity of approximately 20 gallons. Install fibrous plants with lots of leaves. You might consider using plants such as Anacharis or an artificial breeding mop.
Separate the male from the female weeks before breeding. When spawning time nears, increase your fish’s protein intake. Introduce your Ryukin to the new tank and allow them to get used to it before lowering the temperature to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Once you attain the recommended temperature, increase the water temperature by approximately three (3) degrees a day.
Continue feeding your fish protein-rich food until they spawn; once they do that, you will notice the female Ryukin Goldfish swelling up with the eggs; she will then lay over 10,000 eggs in the spawning mop and plants.
Once this is done, remove adult female Ryukin before they start eating their eggs. The eggs will hatch in 4 to 7 days and provide the newborn with powdered fish fry foods until they accept brine shrimp.
How Can You Tell If A Ryukin Goldfish Is Male Or Female?
To tell if a Ryukin Goldfish is a male, you will need to look for tubercles. Male Ryukin Goldfish have small white spots on their gill shields. In addition to that, you might consider looking for a thin and more streamlined body shape.
On the other hand, to identify if your Ryukin Goldfish is female, you will need to look for a round and thicker body shape. You might as well consider looking for a protruding vent which is the anal opening.
The female vent is said to be rounder than the males, especially during the breeding season.
Are Ryukin Goldfish Hardy?
Yes, Ryukin Goldfish are hardy fish. This means that they can adapt to any aquarium with the utmost ease within a relatively short period. However, the tank has to be fully cycled as well as well-maintained.
Are Ryukin Goldfish Aggressive?
No, Ryukin Goldfish are not aggressive. Among the hardiest fish species, it is by far the most popular among aquarists, thanks to its non-aggressive temperament.
Due to their nature, they can also be kept with most community fishes as long as the other fishes are larger than the Ryukin’s mouth. Additionally, it is best kept with fishes with similar swimming abilities, allowing all fishes to receive a sufficient food supply.
How Fast Do Ryukin Goldfish Grow?
Usually, these Goldfish tend to grow approximately an inch per year. However, they tend to grow very fast during the first few months after being hatched and are also known to grow throughout their lives.
However, their growth will be affected significantly by their environment, among other vital aspects.
Do Goldfish Recognize Their Owners?
The most enjoyable part of owning a pet is feeling the bond that results from being recognized by them. However, unlike dogs and cats, do goldfish identify their owners? There is a lack of scientific research on this specific question.
Although there is a lot of anecdotal evidence out there depicting that goldfish recognize their owners, it can be challenging to separate the truth from fiction unless you own a goldfish.
With that said, fish are said to be more intelligent than other pets. While they can recognize each other, human beings are far outside their social, mental map except food providers.
However, goldfish have been reported to recognize the color of feeding tubes for up to one year after last use. This means that fish have an incredible memory for their food source.
Due to this, some fish can recognize faces at least. This means that your goldfish might recognize your face since you are their source of food.
Where Ryukin Goldfish For Sale?
If you are looking for a Ryukin Goldfish for sale to purchase, you can easily find one in a local aquarium pet fish store or online eCommerce sites. Due to their popularity, finding a Ryukin Goldfish for sale is relatively easy.
Although they are relatively available, this does not mean they are affordable or cheap. They are said to cost more than other fancy Goldfish breeds available in the market.
In fact, their prices differ significantly depending on the color of a Ryukin. Red and White Ryukin Goldfish are often considered the most expensive. Average price fall around $35 per single fish.
Final Thoughts
Now that you have all the fundamental knowledge on how to take care of this Goldfish breed, you are now ready to own one in your home aquarium.
Although their egg-shaped body might seem very intimidating, they are, in fact, the opposite. The Ryukin Goldfish are undoubtedly one of the easiest fish to own, making them perfect for newbies.
However, as a Ryukin Goldfish owner, you will need to meet all their vital requirements, as discussed in this article. To enhance their longevity and protect them against any illness, you will need to maintain top-notch hygiene and avoid overfeeding them.
Additionally, you would want to ensure that they receive a well-balanced diet every day. With that in mind, we hope you have found this article beneficial and good luck as you plan to own and Ryukin Goldfish care.