15 Super Fluffy Cat Breeds, You May Love To Cuddle (with Photos)

Fluffy Cat Breeds are the ultimate cuddle companions to snuggle with due to their soft, silky fur and cute appearance.
There is nothing more comforting than a fluffy cat curling around your ankles or quietly and happily relaxing on your lap. Fluffy cats demonstrate the most affection when it comes to cat breeds. These fluffy cats love the care and attention they receive from their owner.
They would be happy if you treat them with popular cat toys to strengthen your bond with them.
If you are considering adopting a kitten, fluffy cats are the perfect match for you. They look adorable, but their shedding can be an issue. However, worry not because this article will discuss in-depth the fluffy cats that you may love to cuddle. So, let’s dive in!
1. Himalayan Cat
The Himalayan Cat is one of the hybrid ones from the fluffy cat breeds. It is identical to the Persian but is distinguished by the points on the cats’ extremities which are the ears, facial mask, feet, and tail resulting in a Persian-type cat with deep blue eyes of the Siamese cat.
This cross between the Persian cat and Siamese originated from India around the 1920s. The Himalayan Cat is a peaceful cat that shows bursts of kitten-like activity.
The feline can be sleeping in the sun and then all of a sudden she explodes rolling around and running around the room. Himalayan Cats love to play around, and a scrap of a kitty toy can entertain her for hours until her next nap.
They love affection and to be groomed and petted. This breed needs to have her diet controlled if you want her to stay healthy. The coat needs daily attention, that is, being brushed and combed to keep her coat from tangling.
Additionally, they must be groomed as tear stains might deposit themselves on the face. They have a cobby, firm, and well-rounded midsection that is proportional.
They have a broad, round, and smooth domed head with great breadth. This breed has a variety of colors including chocolate, cream, red, black, lilac, seal cinnamon, and frost.
Male Himalayan Cat is large weighing about 12 lbs while females are medium weighing between 8 to 12 lbs. They have a lifespan of about 8 to 11 years.
Being playful and affectionate, this Himalayan Cat breed is easy to train.
2. Ragamuffin Cat
The RagaMuffin Cat emerged from the Ragdoll Cat breed in an attempt to sire or rather create a cat with greater genetic diversity, a greater range of color combinations, and a larger size.
The Ragdoll Cat was crossed with Himalayan Cat, Persian Cat, and some domestic cats with long hairs in the 1990s to create this breed. The Ragamuffin Cat breed was recognized by the Cat Fancier Association and gained full championship status.
Ragamuffin Cat and Ragdoll Cat have similar temperaments. They are very attentive and lovable. This breed is people-oriented that is affectionate and cuddly with a tendency of going limp when held in your arms.
Although they are not very active, they love playing with their favorite persons and some will play with toys before settling in your arms for a cuddle. The cats greet family members when they enter the door and then follow their favorite person around the house.
Unlike other fluffy cat breeds that have long and silky coats, their coats are quite low maintenance. Since they are tangle-resistant, you must brush and comb their coat once or twice every week to remove the dead hair build-up.
However, they are not prone to too much shedding. Avoid overfeeding your cat. If being large cats, they should not get fat. Their dietary needs depend on their age sex and activity levels but ensure you feed them quality cat food every day.
Grooming is crucial to remove the discharge around the eyes with a damp cloth. The RagaMuffin Cat has rectangular broad shoulders and broad chest and moderately thick muscling in their hindquarters.
The head is a broad modified wedge and has a round appearance. This Ragamuffin Cat breed is available in every genetically possible pattern and color with or without white except for pointed colors.
The male Ragamuffin Cat weighs between 12 and 20 pounds while the female Ragamuffin Cat weighs between 8 and 15 pounds. The Ragamuffin Cat size would be around 33 inches long and the height up to 15 inches.
The Ragamuffin Cat lifespan of up to 18 years under optimal care. The intelligence level of these fluffy cat breeds is moderate to high making them easy to train.
3. Persian Cat
The Persian Cat is one of the most admired among the fluffy cat breeds that are very popular in North America. The first documented ancestors of this breed were imported into Italy from Persia around 1600.
Persians are typically natural cuddlers and will lap cats with undemanding personalities. The Persian Cat is one of the most peaceful fluffy cat breeds.
The words used to describe this breed are sweet, gentle, and docile. They are well behaved and they rarely get themselves into trouble. While still calm and quiet, they have a playful side and are always interested in cat games, but they wait until asked.
Their placid personality makes them get on well with dogs and other cats. They are extremely good with children.
The most important part when it comes to caring for Persian Cats is their coat. They require a daily brush to prevent mats and knots from developing in their coat.
Grooming is vital since these cats are prone to watery eyes causing dark tear stains in the creases of their faces. Always groom the folds of their faces and the hair around their eyes daily with warm water and soft tissue.
The Persian Cat breed is a medium to a large-sized cat that is heavily boned. It has a round head with a broad skull that is smooth to the touch without protrusions or depressions.
The ears are small, round-tipped with long furnishings. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. The common coat colors are gold, silver, bi-color, smoke, solid white cream, and black.
The Persian Cats weigh between 7 to 12 pounds with a length of between 14 to 18 inches. The height is between 8 to 10 inches and has a life expectancy of between 10 to 17 years.
4. Turkish Van Cat
The Turkish Van cat is nicknamed the “Swimming Cat“. This is a rare breed because while most cats will run away from the water with their first sight, this breed is a strong and capable swimmer thus its nickname.
This breed originated in the middle east. This cat takes between three to five years to fully develop and reach maturity.
The Turkish Van cat can best be described as playful, energetic, and fun-loving. She asks for a lot of attention from her owner and so if you have a lot of time to share with your fur baby, she is your perfect match.
The Turkish Van Cat is also a great jumper with strong hind legs so be ready to find them on top where they feel they can observe the world on their own.
This is a highly intelligent cat and requires regular and enough exercise to thrive. Since this cat loves staying on top of everything, it can be careless when it comes to the care of your most valued ornaments.
The Turkish Van Cat is low maintenance and benefits much from frequent hygiene such as claw trimming, healthy meals, and teeth brushing and combing once a week.
The cat has a moderately long, broad, sturdy, muscular, and deep-chested body. The head is a substantially broad wedge and has gentle contours and a medium-length nose to match the large masculine body.
The cat is white with a dark color on the head and the tail. The color can also appear on the back of her neck thus a Van pattern.
The cats are semi-long with males weighing between 10 to 12 lbs while females weigh 7 to 10 lbs. They have a life expectancy of about 13 to 17 years. The Turkish Van Cat size is between 14 to 17 long and the height up to 14 inches.
This fluffy cat breed has a high intelligence level thus easily training them.
5. Maine Coon Cat
The Maine Coon Cat is recognized as one of the largest fluffy cat breeds and has the fluffiest coat to match. Contrary to the famous folklore, this breed is not a result of crossing with a raccoon.
The Maine Coon Cat resembles the Norwegian Forest Cats, but their story is a cross between a long-haired cat like an Angora and an American domestic cat.
The cat is believed to have been brought from Europe to America with traders or settlers. The Maine Coon Cat is a breed that has a monopoly on care, love, and affection.
Maine is just a kitten in a big cut suit, playful well even into old age. They can be reserved around people including strangers due to their big-sized brains.
They decide whether the strange humans can prove to be trustworthy. When they make up their minds, they form close bonds with the whole family and become loving and devoted.
It takes about one year for a Maine Coon Cat to be fully grown. Their glorious coat requires an average or rather a standard amount of grooming.
Ensure you comb your cat once every week to remove the dead hairs and give her a scratching post. Additionally, help her with dental hygiene by brushing her teeth regularly and taking her to the veterinarian for checkups.
Its body ranges from medium to large, broad-chested, muscular with a well-balanced or rather proportional rectangular appearance.
The coon is heavy and shaggy, longer on the britches and stomach and shorter on the shoulders. The coon has more than seventy-five color combinations.
The cat has a length of 3 feet from head to tail and weighs between 9 to 17 pounds. It has a life expectancy of between 9 to 15 years.
Its tendency to vocalize is medium and has a high intelligence level thus easy to train.
6. Ragdoll Cat
The Ragdoll Cat is a cat breed whose origin is surrounded by controversy, mystery, and tall tales. It was developed in the 1960s in California. The creator, Ann Baker, used a medium-haired breed of unknown origin for crossing.
The Ragdoll Cat is well-known for its striking color and piercing blue eyes. It is docile, congenial, and mild-mannered. It is an ideal indoor companion.
One of the best things about this breed is its laid-back nice personality. They are loyalty-loving cats with gentle paws and are always there when you come back late at night with a warm welcome.
Ragdoll Cat is also playful but not so overactive. This cat breed is created with a silky single coat which means it does not have an underfur layer.
Ragdoll Cat breed needs a regular ear cleaning with a few drops of warm cat ear cleaner into her ears. They also need toenail trims. Regular playtime is a must with interactive cat toys.
Also, the cat must be groomed for maximum hygiene.
The Ragdoll has a large and long solid and broad heavy boning. It is rectangular and has a full chest and equal width across its shoulders and hindquarters.
Females are smaller than males due to slow maturation. The cat has blue eyes while the coat has many different colors and patterns.
The height of this breed is between 11 to 13 inches at the shoulder while the males weigh up to 20 pounds. The females weigh between 10 to 15 pounds and their life expectancy is between 13 to 15 years.
The Ragdoll Cat is highly trainable.
7. Somali Cat
The Somali Cat is known as the long-haired African cat, a breed with a recessive gene in the Abyssinian cats. The Abyssinian breed was developed in Great Britain.
The long hair look on the Abyssinian and the breeders created a long-haired version of the Abyssinian which they named Somali.
The Somali Cat is an active cat that loves to jump and play around. Even being playful, it is a cat you want to keep in your home. The cats love people and even other animals.
They can play on their own or with another cat friend. They love to spend time with their owners.
Although the Somalis are long-haired cats, their coats are easy to take care of because they are not woolly. A daily brush during playtime keeps her skin soft and silky.
She should be groomed regularly and be sure to be rewarded with an affectionate purr.
The cats come in four known colors which are fawn, red, ruddy, and blue. The cats have a medium build which is firm and well-muscled.
Their head forms a wedge featuring gentle contours with the years being tufted and wide apart. Both males and females are long and of medium size weighing between 8 and 12 lbs.
They have a lifespan of between 9 and 13 years. Their social skills are high thus easy to train.
8. Birman Cat
The Birmans Cat is also known as the “Sacred Cat of Burma“. It is a beautiful and adorable cat, that is, a long-haired and color-pointed cat breed.
Its origin is not well known since most of its history is tied in with that of cultural legends.
Birmans cats are affectionate faith and gentle companions with high levels of dignity making it hard to part way with her friend. The cats will generally greet visitors with so much curiosity than fear.
They are the best pets if you want a quiet companion who will offer you love and affection.
Birman Cat is prone to unnecessary weight gain and should be exercised daily. The cat should be groomed twice weekly to keep its coat mat-free.
The cat has an elongated and stocky body with a great muscular feel. It has a strong skull that is brad and rounded.
The cat has deep blue eyes while the coat color is red, blue, chocolate, tortie colors, and cream.
This is a naturally large cat that weighs between 10 to 12 pounds and with a life expectancy of 13 to 15 years. It is highly intelligent and highly trainable.
- Siberian Cat
Russians treasure Siberian cats. These cats have been in documentation in children’s books and Russian fairy tales for many years. The cats were exported worldwide when the United States and the Soviet Union war ended. Siberian cats arrived in the United Kingdom in 2002, in the United States and Europe in the 1990s.
Siberian cats enjoy leaping and jumping. You are likely to find them hanging on the door, swinging on your chandelier, or the top of your refrigerator. Siberian cats love learning tricks and playing with toys. Additionally, they cohabitate well with dogs, kids, and people living in the house.
Siberians have a long, dense coat that requires regular grooming. It needs brushing twice or thrice per week to avoid matting and tangles. However, it requires daily brushing during summer and winter because of molting. Apart from brushing, it would be best to trim the nails regularly. It would help clean the ears regularly using a damp cotton wool ball.
These cats have a big bushy tail, beautiful neck ruff, and tufted ears. Their eyes are round and vary in color from gold to green. In addition, they have strong, longer hind legs than front legs forming an arch.
Siberian cats are medium to large. The male Siberian weighs 7.7 to 11.8kg, and the female weighs 5.9 to 7.7kg. Their life span is twelve to fifteen years or more. Furthermore, they are easy to train since they are brilliant.
- Exotic Shorthair Cat
The exotic shorthair cat is also called “lazy man’s Persian”. The cat is soft and squeezable, like a package of Charmin. The exotic shorthair cat breed was developed by crossing American shorthairs with Persian cats and some Burmese cats and Russian blue. The Exotic shorthair cat initially was a silver cat. But today, the cat has the same patterns and colors as the Persian.
These cats are peaceful, affectionate, and loyal to people. The exotic shorthair cat will follow you around quietly and sit in your laps for petting. The males are more loving and sweet as compared to the females. In addition, these cats enjoy playing with toys, wadded pieces of paper, or chasing a ball.
The exotic shorthair cat is easy to groom; you have to comb the cat twice or once per week. These cats also shed seasonally and during this time, you will need to comb and bathe the cat daily to remove dead hair. Additionally, the exotic’s face cleaning occurs daily to prevent the eyes from tearing and trim the nails regularly.
These cats have round eyes, bodies, and heads. They also have various options in terms of patterns and color, including lilac, red, black, blue, and white. They have thick tails and large paws. Additionally, their eyes can have different colors, including copper, blue or blue-green.
These are medium-sized cats breed. The female cat weighs 3.5kg to 5.5kg and the male weighs more than 5.5 kg. The average life span of these cats is twelve to fourteen years. It is also easy to train because she obeys commands.
- Norwegian Forest Cat
The Norwegian Forest Cat is a natural breed and does not have a hybrid or descendant with the wild cat species. The breed is documented in Norwegian fairy tales, for example, the Norse goddess Freya. The cat was made a national treasure in Norway in 1938 by King Olav V. In 1979, the United States imported the first Norwegian forest cat.
These cats are sweet, family-oriented, friendly, alert, and intelligent. They enjoy cuddling more than prowling. In addition, they love human affection and connection. They love investigating bookcases, counters and are playful. Furthermore, these cats cohabitate well with children and other animals in the house.
Norwegian cats require a lot of grooming. Their dense undercoats need more brushing, at least thrice or twice per week. You will need to brush the cat more during heavy shedding, which happens in fall and spring. Additionally, you need to bathe them once a month, trim the nails regularly and clean the ears if need be.
These cats have longer hind legs than front legs. They have a coat full of fur and a bushy tail, making them appear larger. Additionally, their coats are long and shiny. Their eyes have shades of gold, copper, or green. The coat colors include red, black, or blue. Furthermore, the coats have patterns such as calico, bicolor, or tortoiseshell.
These fluffy cat breeds are more prominent than average cats. The male is larger than the female. The male weighs 4.6kg to 9 kg and the female weighs 3.5 kg to7.5 kg. The average life span is 14years to 15years. These cats are easy to train and learn quickly.
- Turkish Angora Cat
The Turkish Angora cats were the first to be domesticated in the fertile crescent of the Middle East. In turkey, these cats are considered a national treasure. These cats are a rare breed and became recognized in the championship in 1972. You can trace their lineage to Ankara Zoo for all the registered Angoras.
These cats are brilliant, playful, and loving, making them good companions at home. They are energetic and the first to stand at the door to welcome people into the house. They choose one person to form a stronger bond than the other family members.
These breeds of cats are easy to groom; they need brushing once or twice per week. During shedding, you will require to do more brushing. Clean their ears and eyes using a damp cloth and trim the nails often.
The Angora has a shiny coat, primarily white; other colors include black, red, brown, and tortoiseshell, bicolor, and tabby patterns. The paws are round, small, and dainty. Angora’s eye colors include green, blue, or gold.
These cats are medium-sized with an average height of 9 to 14 inches. The average weight is 8 to 15 pounds. They have a life span of 9 to 14 years. With their high intelligence, these cats are easy to train.
- Japanese Bobtail Cat
The Japanese Bobtail cat is a natural breed and many traditions and legends in Japan have featured it. The bobbed tail is a sign of good fortune; the tail has been featured in art and written about for at least a thousand years. The United States imported the first Japanese Bobtail in 1976.
These cats are brilliant, friendly, and outgoing. They are talkative by making a lot of meows and chirps and also get along with other cats, dogs, kids. These fluffy cat breeds are charming, love human attention, and enjoy socializing. They are nosy and get involved in your tasks. Furthermore, they enjoy being near you and not being on your laps.
Grooming is effortless with this breed; you only need to brush them once a week to do away with dead hairs. Although during shedding season, you will require to brush them more often. Clean the ears and eyes regularly and trim the nails. You should feed the cat high-quality diet food to prevent it from becoming overweight.
These cats have a bobbed tail that is more than three inches long covered with fur. Have high cheekbones, long noses, and oval eyes. The coats are either short or long and are generally white with colored spots. Furthermore, they have a long chiseled head structure.
These cats are medium-sized and weigh an average of 5 to 10 pounds. The males weigh more than females. They have a life span of 9 to 15 years and are easy to train since they are knowledgeable.
- The Highland Fold Cat (Scottish Fold Cat)
The Highland Fold/the Scottish fold, these cats origin is in Scotland a place called Tayside region. The ancestry of these cats is well known and can be traced back to a single cat named Susie. Susie was a white barn cat that had unusual folded ears. Susie and her offspring underwent crossing with British shorthair and American shorthair cats leading to the foundation of her breeds.
Highland folds are affectionate, easy-going, calm, intelligent, loyal, adaptable, and enjoy human companionship. They are quiet and soft-voiced cats. They like resting on the couch beside you as you lavish them with attention. Additionally, they express emotion and communicate through their ears.
These cats are easy to groom and require brushing more often to avoid matting and tangles. You need to trim the nails regularly and check the eyes and ears for infection as you clean them. The litter box should also be kept clean. Furthermore, you have to feed them as per your veterinary instruction of a healthy diet.
They have large eyes, rounded heads, short necks, short, coarse legs, and folded over ears, making them look unique. Their coats are dense and short. The color of the fur includes blue, black, or brown. The coat patterns include spotted, shaded, bicolor, or tabby. Their eyes color can be blue-green or gold.
These are medium-sized cats, where the male weighs 9 pounds to 13 pounds and the female weighs 6 pounds to 9 pounds. They have a life of 11 years to 14 years and are easy to train since they are brilliant.
- British Shorthair Cat
British shorthairs were brought to England when the Romans invaded Britain. The cats were to protect the food from rodents. After world war one, today’s more acceptable British shorthair cat came to be by crossing with Russian blue, Persian, domestic shorthair cats, and French Chartreux.
These cats are active, affectionate, highly intelligent, easy-going, and enjoy human companionship. They are friendly with other people in the house, including the dogs, other cats, and members. They like attention and value personal space; that is why they do not want lots of hugging.
Their groom is easy because they keep themselves tidy and clean. However, they require brushing once a week to remove skin cells and dead hair. You need to trim their nails frequently and clean their ears regularly. Furthermore, they require clinical checks ups with your veterinarian.
These cats have broad chests, thick legs, chubby cheeks, and rounded heads. They also have thick, dense coats of different colors and patterns. The colors include black, white-brown, grey, or chocolate and the patterns are tabby, solid, or calico.
They are medium to large cat sizes with an average weight of 7 to 17 pounds and a height of 12 to 14 inches. They have a life span of 15 to 20 years and they are highly intelligent making them easy to train.
Final Thoughts
Different cats have different origins, which can be traced back to their ancestry despite the many cats’ crossings globally. Furthermore, cats are most intelligent, playful, and cohabitate easily with human beings. Adding a feline member to your home is the best move since you are guaranteed love and affection.