Apistogramma Cacatuoides Care (Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid)

Apistogramma cacatuoides (Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid or Cockatoo Cichlid), is a freshwater fish species that have semi-aggressive behavior.
These fish species love to explore their territory, and as such, they would constantly interact with things they see on the other side of the glass.
Consequently, Apistogramma is the genus name which means several species fall under this genus realm. Equally from their second name, these fish belong to the Cichlidae family.
They originated from South America, and as such, they are widespread around the Amazon basin, comprised of slow-moving streams and rivers.
Quick Facts: | |
Common Names | Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid, Cockatoo Cichlid |
Origin | slow-moving reivers and streams of the Amazon basin, South America |
Family | Cichlidae |
Scientific Name | Apistogramma cacatuoides |
Care Level | Easy |
Temperament | Semi-aggrasive |
Social | Territorial, but community frendly when keeping in a large tank with same-sized fish species |
Diet | Omnivores |
Size (average) | 2 - 3 inches |
Lifespan | 5 - 7 years |
Breeding | Egg layer |
Minimum Tank Size | 20 gallons per pair (approximately 75 liters) |
Tank Setup | Freshwater, fine sand substrate, driftwood, caves and rocks for decorations and hiding places, A lot of live plants. Avoid sharp objects. |
Tank Temperature | 72 - 84 °F (22 – 29 °C) |
Water Hardness | 2 - 15 dKH |
Water pH Level | 5.0 - 7.0 |
Species Overview
Apistogramma cacatuoides or Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid belong to the species of the Cichlidae family and are known to be lively and vibrant to care. They are found mainly in South America.
They are dwarfs, just like the name suggests, and generally feed on small animals. These species have different breeding behaviors depending on the particular species.
The fish is eye-catching due to their colorful nature, with the male being more colorful than the female. They have big mouths than lips with long and middle height body shapes.
They love interacting with everything they see on the other side of the glass; this means taking care of Apistogramma Cacatuoides gives you a pretty experience.
The Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid is regarded as one of the best fish to keep, and its uniqueness strikes due to the male being extraterritorial.
It is, therefore, significant to keep the fish in pairs or harems with one male and several females. In addition, the males can be kept alone, provided the Aquariums are large enough to accommodate their territorial nature.
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Size
Average Apistogramma Cacatuoides size can grow to between 2.5 to 3 inches depending on the species. At full maturity, the average size of Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid is estimated to be 3 inches in maximum length.
The Cichlid family is recognized for having some large fish likely to outgrow the glass. In addition, the exact species you have determines the maximum size.
Equally, like any other pet, the type of care they get while young will determine how big they end up being.
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Lifespan
The average Apistogramma Cacatuoides lifespan is up to 5 to 7 years. However, their lifespan somewhat varies depending on the condition they live and the care you give to fish would significantly impact.
It is good to play your part relatively well by feeding the fish a well-balanced diet, maintaining water conditions, and subjecting them to a stress-free life.
Once you have forgotten your role in ensuring their well-being, introducing a free disease environment to your fish, or poorly maintaining the breeding areas, then be assured that the 5 years will be hypothetical.
Behavior & Temperament
Cichlids are known for their aggressive nature among the fish community. Interestingly Apistogramma Cacatuoides does not exhibit this character.
They are often called semi-aggressive because they can be kept together with other fish in the same tank; however, the aquarist must plan the habitation accordingly since they are very territorial.
Most disputes that they enter into with other types of fish are majorly on territorial boundaries. Therefore, it is essential to provide ample and large space for these fish to swim around, be lively, and sometimes hide.
The Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids spend most of their time near the bottom of the tank. Sometimes, especially the male fish, would identify a space and vehemently defend it.
Equally, if you keep an eye on fish, especially during breeding, you are likely to observe some aggressiveness by the fish. Also, when you deprive the fish of enough food, they will tend to be aggressive.
It is important to note that Apistogramma Cacatuoides has prominent personalities. They are always vibrant, lively, and swim playfully, and sometimes react to your movements.
Appearance And Colors
The colorful nature of Cockatoo Cichlids makes it easy to identify them. They showcase a stunning orange hue on the rear of their tails and dorsal fins.
They equally have grey bodies with dark lines that dominate the whole length of the fish, beginning at the eye. Their orange dorsal fins are dominant; they have large mouths and long bodies.
Further, they vary in their coloration, with some being red. Even though the colors of the captive-bred fish are delightful, both the captive and wild-born Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids exhibit beautiful fins.
Also, the male fish have more colors and are more vibrant than the female. As such, the only easy way to spot a male species is by looking at the most dynamic and colorful fish, especially when they are many in the Aquarium.
The males also appear to have pointed dorsal fins and anal; they are therefore sexually dimorphic. Females are somewhat smaller, with their color patterns being a little bit subdued compared to males.
Females are duller; however, the color changes based on their behavior. The appearance of Apistogramma Cacatuoides is what initially attracted aquarists. They are regarded as some of the most colorful freshwater fish.
What makes keeping these species fun is that you can select the fish with wildly variant looks to create a one-of-a-kind aquarium.
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Care
Most aquarists are attracted by the bright color of this fish. Taking care of some parts of Apistogramma is somewhat tricky; mainly, the Dwarf Cichlids are often hard to keep.
However, once you have mastered the trick of taking care of this fish, their production can always be wholesome and rewarding.
– Apistogramma cacatuoides Tank Size
Their small size is an advantage to the aquarist since they do not require a large tank to keep. Usually, the ideal tank size recommended is around 20 gallons per pair.
Even though some people keep a pair of fish in 10 gallons tank, most experienced aquarists do not recommend this. More space is always appreciated due to their aggressiveness.
It is also essential to balance between too much space and inadequate space. The goal of the tank size is premised on each fish to have its territory to enjoy, hide and defend.
Therefore, it is vital to consider the number of fish you want to keep and select a tank that meets your demands.
– Apistogramma Cacatuoides Tank Setup
Setting up the tank for your fish is significant in the same way choosing a fish tank is. The tank should emulate the natural space to make your fish comfortable.
Since they are vibrant and lively, Apistogramma Cacatuoides or Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids love the natural decorations; that is why they love the Amazon basin.
At the bottom of the tank, it is important to stick it with a fine sandy substrate. The logic behind this is that the rivers and streams they live in are often littered with leaves.
While you don’t need to imitate that in your tank, the fish would feel good being at the bottom of the tank. This species has the habit of digging every once in a while. Therefore, fine sand is encouraged to avoid injuries.
When it comes to decorations, consider using darker decors because these decors would act as safe hiding spots for the fish. While decorating, you might consider complementing the decors with artificial caves, driftwood, and some rocks.
However, ensure the rocks are not too rigid to cause injury while swimming. The emulation of artificial caves offers a good hiding spot for your fish. When it comes to setting up your tank, a powerful filtration system is crucial.
Even with their small sizes, these fish produce a lot of waste. A high-quality canister filter with carbon filtration is encouraged to enhance the high quality of water.
In terms of lighting, an overhead led light is the most preferred without too much heat.
Even though many Apistogramma Cacatuoides or Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids originate from shaded environments, they would probably adapt to the new environment, particularly by finding shelter from plant leaves.
– Water Conditions And Parameters
The most important secret to keeping your fish healthy is by managing water conditions. Apistogramma cacatuoides or Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids are very sensitive to fluctuations in temperature and water PH.
It is vital to emulate their natural habitat’s water conditions. The Amazon basin, in particular water, is on the warmer side. Equally, the tributaries, streams, and rivers where the fish lives have a relatively neutral PH balance.
It is crucial to first cycle your fish tank before introducing new fish. It is also significant to change a third of the water in the tank regularly, at least every week.
- The water temperature should range from 72 to 84 degrees
- Water acidity levels should range from 5.0 to 7.0 pH
- Water hardness is should vary from 2 to 15 dKH
Due to their sensitivity to water conditions, you must water conditions steady at all times. Most importantly, have an aquarium test kit to keep stable water conditions and parameters to put in your fish tank.
– Suitable Plants
Some of the suitable plants for use in an Apistogramma tank include:
– Possible Diseases And Prevention
Interestingly, Apistogramma cacatuoides or Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid is not associated with any genetic health issues. However, when pre-disposed to the common freshwater fish diseases, they are likely to be affected.
The possible diseases that can affect these species include parasitic and Ich infections. Poor water maintenance is the leading cause of health issues; thus, common diseases are directly linked to poor water quality.
Consequently, poor conditions also cause stress to the fish, thus leading to premature deaths. The best way to prevent health complications, as mentioned earlier, is to be careful about keeping the water quality high.
The water should always remain soft, and the PH kept neutral. As long as the water is quality is maintained, then they will remain healthy.
Apistogramma cacatuoides Diet And Feeding
Naturally, the Apistogramma cacatuoides (aka Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids) are omnivores. In terms of plant diet, algae are the best choice for them. It is effortless to tell when they are hungry since they often nip at plant leaves.
Even though they feed on plant foods, they, however, prefer a protein-dominated diet. Feeding on the proteins is dependent on the size of an animal, especially in the wild.
Thanks to their small size deprive them the ton of the opportunity to feed on proteins. Their diets are mainly insect larvae, fish fry, small invertebrates, and worms.
As an aquarist, the best way to emulate this diet is by providing the fish with worms, brine shrimps, and dry pellets. In addition, you should stick to sinking pellets since they are rich in nutrients.
Have you ever wondered why your fish is often more aggressive? Probably, it is because you don’t feed them well. Try feeding them well, and you will notice that the level of aggression will reduce.
Gender Differences
Male Apistogramma Cacatuoides or Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids is large compared to the female type. They equally have the first multiple rays of the dorsal fins that extend.
They are more aggressive, especially in terms of guarding their territory. Unlike the females, they are bright in color. In contrast, females are less aggressive, they are yellow, and they are somewhat pale.
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Breeding
When it comes to breeding, Apistogramma Cacatuoides or Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids do not need much. As an aquarist, your responsibility is to provide a conducive environment to stimulate the breeding process.
They are egg layers, and some female species keep eggs in their mouths. Interestingly, like most pets, they often select a place within the tank to lay eggs and strictly guard the area.
However, you should provide a good cave system and a clay pot for their breeding.
The attractive aspect of Apistogramma Cacatuoides or Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids is that they highly protect their baby fish. The females do most of the heavy lifting, whereas males cover the breeding area.
To commence the breeding process, put a bonded pair in a different tank for at least 10 gallons. Minimize the flow of water in the tank by using sponges to cover the filtration system.
Raise the temperature to at least 80 degrees Fahrenheit to trigger the female into looking for a place in the cave and coax the male to join her. The female is likely to lay 80 eggs during this period.
It takes 2-5 days for the eggs to hatch, and during this period, both males and females guard their hatching area. And for this reason, it is vital to use a separate tank for breeding. Most baby Apistogramma reaches full maturity by about five months old.
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Tank Mates
Apistogramma cacatuoides or Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids are known to occupy the bottom part of the Aquarium. Therefore you have the chance to keep peaceful fish in other parts of the tank. It is crucial not to keep larger aggressive species.
It is good to keep more than one species of Apistogramma in the same tank. Also, due to their aggressive nature, males are less preferred to females.
If you have to keep an equal number of males and females, it is considered to place the harem and the bonded fish in separate groups.
The list below identifies the most preferred Apistogramma tank mates:
- Cardinal Tetras
- Neon Tetras
- Pygmy Corydoras
- Bristlenose Pleco
- Kuhli Loach
- Dwarf Gourami
- Opaline Gourami
- Rainbow Fish
Origin And Distribution
Originally, Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid is believed to have originated from South America. They are found in Bolivia and Brazil, particularly along the slow-moving rivers and streams of the Amazon basin.
Equally, they can be found in the tributaries of Ucayali, Solimoes, and around Tabatinga River. These species prefer to live in shallow, slow-moving almost still, white, and clear water areas of the Amazon River Basin.
They, therefore, dwell in tributaries, creeks, and backwaters that are somewhat strewn with leaf litter. They also feed on Benthic invertebrates.
However, with the changing and unpredictable climate, these breeding areas are subject to depletion since leaf litter sometimes becomes scarce, thus affecting the type of water inhabited by the Cockatoo Cichlids.
Are Apistogramma Cacatuoides Aggressive?
They are semi-aggressive. The only time they become aggressive is while breeding and protecting their baby fish. It is also important to note that not all species exhibit the same level of aggression.
However, the male fish is aggressive towards the female, and while keeping them, it is good to group the bonded male and female pair together or in a harem where one male is grouped with several female fish.
However, the Cichlidae family is regarded to be the gentlest species. When they are hungry, they become more aggressive. The secret to reducing aggression in fish is charging after them to make them go away without causing injury to them.
Can Apistogramma Cacatuoides Live With Rams?
Apistogramma cacatuoides or Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids are very territorial and often tend to chase away intruders. Rams, especially the blue rams, are not compatible with Apistogramma since they become more intolerant when breeding.
Generally, rams and Apistogramma exhibit different behaviors and would tend to chase each other. They certainly cannot live together.
How Big Do Apistogramma Cacatuoides Get?
In terms of size, they grow to a maximum of 3 inches. However, depending on the feeding mode, they are likely to develop large, especially the male fish.
Is Apistogramma Cacatuoides A Hardy Fish?
The Apistogramma Cacatuoides or Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids is a hardy fish. They do not require acidic or soft water and therefore thrive well in a pH of not more than 7.0 and a water hardness of up to 15 dGH
How Many Apistogramma Cacatuoides Should I Keep Together?
While the exact number would range depending on the size of the tank, it is good to keep more than one Apistogramma in the same tank, preferably more females to males since males become more aggressive.
Alternatively, you can keep bonded pairs together or improvise a harem grouping multiple females to one male.
What Are The Other Types Of Apistogramma Fish?
Some of them include:
- Apistogramma borellii: It has yellowed light fins or lemon color with small random placed spots.
- Apistogramma trifascita: Its appearance is quite gorgeous. Its name is a result of the three stripes that run horizontally down its silver-colored body. Its fins are blue-colored, and this forms a beautiful contrasting appearance.
Where to Buy Apistogramma Cacatuoides?
Since Apistogramma has become widespread, they are readily available; you can buy them in many stores around you. Equally, with the prevalence of e-business, you can order them from online platforms.
How Much Is A Apistogramma Cacatuoides Cost?
Since they are highly available in the market, Apistogramma is relatively affordable. Depending on the seller, the market price ranges from $ 42 – $50.
Final Thoughts
After going through this article, you will probably appreciate that keeping Apistogramma Cacatuoides or Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids could, at times, be challenging if you ignore what your fish requires.
However, once you master the concept in this article, keeping the fish is often rewarding. Undeniably we tend to fall in love with Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids due to their gorgeous fins, attractive colors, and probably their unique size.
Therefore, you must reciprocate by offering the fish a good and conducive environment to breed and enjoy a stress-free life.
Adhering to the tips discussed in this document would probably make it easy for you to protect your fish from common diseases since they are not prone to any particular illness associated with their genus.